Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 06 13:18:36 EST 2020 | stephendo
Does anyone have any experience with stone ink pads? http://www.aaastamp.com/padstone.php https://www.rubberstampchamp.com/category/stone-stone-pads Do they last well? We find that ink dries out quickly with felt pads and then inspectors put more
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 18 18:13:30 EST 2019 | slthomas
Has anyone found a durable, indelible inspection stamp ink? We have an extreme case of smearing/obliteration because we have the boards dip coated (Humiseal 1B73). The manufacturer of our stamps is zero help, i.e., the best I could get out of them
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 10 14:12:53 EDT 2004 | Fillmore
The alternatives are ink-jet and laser and you'll spend way over $20,000 for that solution! Screen printing is still the best at ROI when doing multiple panels and lot's of legends. We used a rubber stamp inked with Hysol for smaller quantities and o
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 19 14:07:29 EST 2019 | slthomas
I figured it was just going to take a little searching to find a (more expensive) stamp that used an (more expensive) indelible ink. Not the case. Just can't find anything at all, and the stamp manufacturers say not to use any ink but what they provi
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 28 14:05:44 EDT 2005 | SuMoTe
Have you tried 'Ink-stamping" them?
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 19 19:31:19 EDT 2006 | Doug
We buy the old standard Aero Brand #1250 stamp pad ink in Black from Menke with a RoHS cert. No extra cost.
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 06 09:25:18 EST 1998 | Mike
I am looking for Permanent non conductive ink (Black and white) to mark PCBs with. I am also looking for a method to apply the ink (stamp) in letters 0.08 high. I need to stamp the board in two locations the first is 9 characters long (Numeric) and
Electronics Forum | Wed May 30 18:44:06 EDT 2007 | binow
Various processes throughout the factory will use a stamp to signify ICT has been completed or QA has been done. The problem we are having is once the boards have made it through all the steps and have the stamps on them signifying who did what; the
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 19 13:31:28 EST 2019 | SMTA-Joe
I have seen this issue with manufacturer markings stamped on PCBs. The ink just melts away as soon as CC touches it.
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 27 08:47:21 EDT 2019 | SMTA-John
Having success with Circuit Boards #432 Solvent Resistant Ink - Designed specifically for circuit boards. This medium dry ink is highly resistant to solvents .... It is also non-conducting. Note: this ink contains an aggressive solvent so should not