Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 07 23:38:08 EST 2014 | m_imtiaz
want to know the tolerance the paste height in the solder paste printing. for example if stencil thickness is 7 mil, what will the acceptance level of paste height ( upper and lower) kindly share if any guidelines or formula for the same
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 30 01:38:22 EST 2014 | m_imtiaz
thank for good input, any documented standard available from any well known body (IPC standard)
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 08 08:20:52 EST 2014 | emeto
To most of our boards I give 20-30% tolerance in both directions. From experience if you have big aperture on your stencil, the squeegee will scoop certain amount of paste from this aperture and you will see lower height. Depending on your board supp
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 24 08:14:24 EST 2014 | davem
m_imtiaz, Over the last 15 years or so I've found that using the stencil foil thickness +2mils/-0mils has worked very well. For example, if you have a 5mil stencil thickness your upper control limit would be 7mils and your lower control limit would
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 01 07:31:48 EST 2005 | jax
I have X5's and we run standard SMEMA.
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 28 13:19:14 EDT 2019 | davef
There is no industry standard for BTC stand-off height. "IPC-7093A Design and Assembly Process Implementation for Bottom Termination SMT (BTC) Components" just finished "Final Draft for Industry Review" in December 2018. It mentions stand-off height
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 27 07:01:26 EDT 2019 | charliedci
200uM seems high. I say this because typically our solder stencils in this application are between 80uM and 100uM thick which would leave the component height less than that after reflow. However if your not experiencing any shorting between pads I w
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 24 11:07:30 EST 2022 | jineshjpr
Hi, In general Tantalum D & E case packages prefers 12mm Reel with sufficient height. Make sure that no external force has been applied to the reel ( where it causes pocket deformation) thus leads to prevent smooth component release. Slowdown the noz
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 17 09:56:34 EST 2005 | jmedernach
Tx, Your spec limit is the point at which you expect to see a failure. In other words, what is the probability that you'll see a short when you have .008" of solder paste? What is the probability that you'll see an open if you have .004" of solder
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 21 20:22:46 EST 2006 | mnguyen
Hi, I am having problem looking through IPC and finding according to ISO spec what should the paste height requirement vs stencil. EXAMPLE: The stencil is 5mils thick and according to the specs we have on paste height measurement the max height to be