Electronics Forum: standard solder mask thickness (Page 1 of 43)

Solder mask thickness measurement

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 06 06:17:11 EDT 2016 | pavel_murtishev

Dear members, Recently we have found that solder mask thickness variation could lead to solder balling under QFN packages for a high reliability device. Is there any industry proven method for solder mask thickness checking? Any equipment or any me

solder mask thickness

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 11 13:00:07 EST 2019 | slthomas

Excessive mask thickness also can wreak havoc on stencil printing.

solder mask thickness

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 11 11:35:15 EST 2019 | dilogic

Just out of curiosity - what is the rationale behind specifying mask thicknes?

solder mask thickness

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 10 13:35:34 EST 2019 | scotceltic

I am looking to see what people are using for a min-max range to supply your PCB fabricators regarding solder mask thickness. I saw some points in the archives but not too much regarding what people are providing as their spec ? Any help would be a

solder mask thickness

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 11 12:07:33 EST 2019 | scotceltic

Our company has a spec on their current PCB dwg to make sure the fab house meets a specific thickness (min-max). The current spec reads: 13.5um min - 38.5um max. I assume it is to keep the board house honest and to make sure there is no exposed co

Solder mask thickness measurement

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 06 09:07:28 EDT 2016 | davef

Hi Pavel IPC-6012 - Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards, Paragraph: Solder Resist (Solder Mask) Requirements, Sub-paragraph: Solder Resist Thickness has words to the effect … * Solder mask thickness shall be accordi

Solder mask thickness measurement

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 06 09:18:19 EDT 2016 | pavel_murtishev

Hi Dave, Thank you for the input. We have completely checked the whole process and solder mask thickness is the only thing that might impact. I wonder whether you might know chemical solutions capable to dissolve solder mask? Regards, Pavel

Solder mask thickness measurement

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 06 09:28:00 EDT 2016 | smtbroker

Hi Pavel here in Poland interflux sells a product C8 who can remowe the solder mask, no disolve. It is a high alcalin product with other stuff, you can ask to vsd@interflux.pl jean vadim

Solder mask thickness measurement

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 06 16:08:17 EDT 2016 | davef

Circuit Technology Center “4 Techniques for Removing Solder Mask” [http://www.circuitrework.com/features/607.shtml]

Re: solder mask

Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 15 05:45:15 EDT 1999 | Brian

Boca, Dave Sorry, but I cannot let this go. I'll go along with you that, at the time that the Montreal Protocol was initially signed (September 1987), there was no scientific proof that CFCs etc. were causing ozone depletion. There was, however, ve

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