Electronics Forum: stencil and design (Page 1 of 168)

uBGA PCB design and stencil design

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 22 10:23:38 EDT 2002 | davef

ubga and stencil

uBGA PCB design and stencil design

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 21 23:48:13 EDT 2002 | harris

Hi: If anyone have the experience with the PCB pad design and stencil design for the uBGA? We meet the problem for it. The component data is 0.3mm diameter and 0.5 pitch. Could anyone tell me the PCB pad dimension, the stencil type and aperture dimes

0402 pad and stencil aperture design

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 31 07:52:23 EDT 2008 | davef

For a better understanding of decoupling capacitors, look here: * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decoupling_capacitor * http://www.hottconsultants.com/techtips/decoupling.html * http://pcdandf.com/cms/content/view/3410/95/

0402 pad and stencil aperture design

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 30 15:07:40 EDT 2008 | jemills

Hello I have a new 0402 pad design on a recent board were building in future. On closer look i thought the pad was a thru hole mount , but upon closer inspection the round pads are for 0402 comps. I had a discussion with the engineer and he said

0402 pad and stencil aperture design

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 30 22:29:58 EDT 2008 | davef

For most applications, a nice square [or rectangle] pad works just fine. Assemblers ship boat loads of boards with these every day. It's reasonable for tight decoupling capacitor requirement applications to use round or radiused pads for components

0402 pad and stencil aperture design

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 30 15:36:18 EDT 2008 | grantp

Hi, Sounds like your engineer does not know what he's doing. We have developed and built hundreds of thousands of boards with normal square pads for 0402, and we just use a 5 thou stencil with 5% reduction and it works well. Decoupling? What is tha

stencil design software

Electronics Forum | Fri May 17 11:10:25 EDT 2002 | wister

Is there any software to design the stencil openings? It may be including automatic modify the aperture,monitoring aspect ratio and area ratio,even let you know the whole vloume of the opening and average ratio?because the stencil design is more impo

CCGA stencil design

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 17 03:41:33 EST 2000 | JackT

Hi folks, Is anybody have an experience in stencil design for CCGA ? Currently, I'm running with 5 mils thickness stencil and I encountered that there were defect on contact after reflow soldering process. Appreciate your help ! thx..Jack

uBGA stencil design

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 22 08:02:56 EST 2006 | dj44

I was looking for an stencil design for a 0.5mm pitch uBGA. Pad size is 0.38mm in diameter. We have been using 5mil stencil with type 3 no clean paste. What size aperture should we be using? Any suggestions?

stencil design software

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 05 08:20:14 EST 2003 | mbroadway

I'm new to the smt game. I'm trying to learn the basics of stencil design. I've just been tasked with removing and replacing a couple of mictor connectors. I need to find/design stencils for the solder paste. These boards are proprietary, and we don'

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