Electronics Forum: stencil cleaner aqueous technologies (Page 1 of 15)

Re: Ultrasonic stencil cleaner

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 13 19:35:11 EDT 1998 | Mike Konrad

Aqueous Technologies manufacturers a "no-frills" stencil cleaning system. The Model designed to handle stencils up to 24" x 24" is available for under $ 10K. This system is, however, not ultrasonic, rather spray-in-air. If you desire information, c

Batch cleaner

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 07 22:38:25 EDT 2010 | aqueous

As with so many things, some brands work very well on high density, low profile assemblies and some do not. Because my company manufactures these machines, I don't want to use this forum as an advertisement so I will recommend the following: 1. Sen

Batch cleaner

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 31 18:34:32 EDT 2010 | aqueous

If the batch cleaner is truly closed loop, then 100% of all of the process fluid (water) is captured, filtered (particulate, carbon, resin) and reused. This answer is based on a traditional closed-loop batch cleaning system with an integrated water

Stencil cleaner

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 26 13:15:52 EST 2003 | Mike Konrad

The specific answer depends on what your specific application includes. #1: What are you removing? (solder paste, adhesives) #2: What are you cleaning? (stencils, screens, misprints, pallets) #3: What type of machine are you using? (Spray-in

Handheld stencil cleaner

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 20 16:24:59 EDT 2002 | blnorman

At the OSHA training institute, our instructor stuck an electric drill in a bucket of water to demonstrate what proper grounding will do. Personally I wasn't going to try it. All our fluxes are no-clean, and are IPA based. Granted we used aqueous

batch aqueous cleaning equipment

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 26 20:49:19 EDT 2007 | davef

Batch cleaner * Aqueous Technologies, 9055 Rancho Park Ct, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730; 909-944-7771 F909-944-7775 aqueoustech.com * Austin American Technology; 12201 Technology Blvd, Austin, TX 78727; 512-35-6400 F512-335-5753 aat-corp.com * EMC Glob

batch aqueous cleaning equipment

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 30 00:49:07 EDT 2007 | Ron Rumrill

Let me chime-in regarding impact pressure. By definition, impact pressure is determined by several factors: 1. The weight of the water (a constant) 2. Its velocity (determined by the GPM and nozzle�s orifice size) 3. The area impinged (determined

Stencil and board Ultrasonic cleaner

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 01 11:48:55 EST 2006 | russ

I would recopmmend contacting Aqueous technologies or Smart Sonic along with other Mfgrs. They will be best suited to evaluate your needs.

Stencil and board Ultrasonic cleaner

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 01 12:57:51 EST 2006 | wheels_in_the_well

There are several makes of stencil cleaning equipment. The previous post mentioned, Aqueous Tech (www.aqueoustech.com). Others of long standing high reputation are EMC Global (www.emcgti.com), Austin American Technology (www.aat-corp.com), and Tech

Batch cleaner not getting PCBs clean and dry

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 09 00:19:51 EST 2016 | aqueous

Hi Dean, We are a manufacturer of cleaning equipment. I'm not sure if your machine is one of ours or another brand. Regardless, I am happy to provide assistance. In order to maximize the level of "helpfulness", it would be helpful for me to know mor

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