Electronics Forum: stencil cycle printig count (Page 1 of 1)

Stencil life

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 16 00:41:03 EDT 2018 | smt2020

Hey man, can you please suggest what you do for traceability system to count cycles of the stencil. Is there any special setup for that or just a Excel sheet with formulas.?

Stencil life

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 07 01:22:41 EDT 2018 | buckcho

Hello, the colleagues are all right. What I did in addition to show customers and quality that we either need or dont need a stencil: 1. Made a procedure - in there i defined 50 000 cycles and then the stencil has to be checked by me. In the checks

BGA Tilt

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 09 11:48:09 EST 2007 | realchunks

0.25mm tilt? That's pretty small depending on you BGA size. Is it failing? Or just your Q.E. being anal? What size BGA we talking about? What ball count? Just one board? Maybe cheaper to just repair. Now assuming there is NO part under the BGA

Solder Paste Evaluation

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 11 22:47:31 EST 2006 | davef

We didn't intend to light anyone's fur on fire [get anyone's underwear in a knot, roil the waters, have a cow man] about consultants. The Phil Zarrow wrote a useful paper that could help in evaluating paste. Here read it ... Evaluating Solder Paste

How to choose a new solder paste

Electronics Forum | Thu May 26 08:52:42 EDT 2011 | davef

Phil Zarrow wrote a useful paper that could help in evaluating paste. Here read it ... Evaluating Solder Paste � Not An Option Contributed by Phil Zarrow of ITM an Independent SMT consulting firm With soldering being the dominant source of assembly


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