Electronics Forum: stencil design success rate (Page 1 of 13)

Nordic aQFN73 stencil design

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 09 12:52:00 EDT 2018 | slthomas

We are about to do a second iteration of something we struggled mightily with last time and I'm hoping to at least make a step in the right direction. There are 12 of these parts on the board and virtually all of them required removal and replacemen

Re: D Pak stencil apertures

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 17 15:26:48 EST 1999 | Victor Salazar

We use a homeplate design with 80% coverage on the tab, and 100% coverage on the leads 6mil stencil. All of our stencils are laser cut electropolished. We have had good success with this.

CCGA - Stencil design and Reflow Profiling

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 30 12:46:15 EDT 2019 | davef

I'd be surprised if CCGA leads were getting bent or tilted during the reflow soldering process. If they were bent during handling, that would be less surprising. 235*C on the body for a minimum peak temperature of 208*C at the connecting leads does

CCGA - Stencil design and Reflow Profiling

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 31 07:51:31 EDT 2019 | ameenullakhan

Hi Dave, lead is 80Pb/20Sn. Top joint off CCGA lead is SN63/Pb37. Thermocouple was placed at center lead of the CCGA and one at the corner lead of CCGA. Ramp Rate Center 1.09 Corner 1.26 Soak ( 140 - 160 deg C ) Center 37sec Corner 38sec Ref

Paste accumulation on the squeegee side with a 15mils to 5mils Step stencil

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 12 21:54:33 EDT 2019 | davef

I've never seen successful printing with a step as deep as you seem to be saying. The keep out would have to be jigundous!!!! SMTnet Technical Library: https://smtnet.com/library/files/upload/Step-Stencils-laserjob.pdf I'd guess * Maximum step

LGa soldering issues......

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 26 12:06:44 EDT 2009 | clampron

Good Morning, I have been struggling with this part for some time now. I have to agree that whoever designed this part, did not have to manufacture with it. We have advanced to a point where they have a acceptable yield but I believe that will be hi

Re:Re: Univariate regression model?

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 27 13:54:25 EDT 1998 | Ted

| | | | I was wondering how successful industry has been in quantifying relationships between defects rates of particular solder problems (like bridging, opens,..) and PCA design parameters (like spacing, part orientation, pad dimensions, ...). For

Re: 20 mil pitch applications

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 12 00:33:30 EST 1999 | Jason

| | Our company is beginning to delve into some 20 mil applications and I'm curious to hear what kind of success others have had placing these components. What kind of fall out rates we might expect or any specific difficulties encountered and what

Predictive Models for solder defects

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 23 16:49:04 EDT 1998 | Ted

I was wondering how successful industry has been in quantifying relationships between defects rates of particular solder problems (like bridging, opens,..) and PCA design parameters (like spacing, part orientation, pad dimensions, ...). For wave sol

Re: Univariate regression model?

Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 25 01:15:54 EDT 1998 | Chiakl

| | I was wondering how successful industry has been in quantifying relationships between defects rates of particular solder problems (like bridging, opens,..) and PCA design parameters (like spacing, part orientation, pad dimensions, ...). For wav

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