Electronics Forum: stencil print cycles (Page 1 of 202)

Underscreen cleaning cycles

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 26 16:36:35 EDT 2012 | davef

Stencil Cleaning [AIM LeadFree] * Stencils should be cleaned frequently enough to ensure total removal of any bottom side residues, but not so infrequently as to allow the same residues to dry or cake on, making their removal much more difficult. * S

Underscreen cleaning cycles

Electronics Forum | Thu May 17 09:20:10 EDT 2012 | stentech

there are many reasons why FG and Nano are used and many papers written on them. Nano ssems to be the topic of interest right now. I agree it is mostly for printing fine and untra fine pitch. With that comes under stencil wiping to keep the stencil o

Underscreen cleaning cycles

Electronics Forum | Thu May 17 09:01:01 EDT 2012 | scottp

I'm not sure why anyone would pay extra for FG (fine grain) stencils. I've run studies comparing traditional YAG laser, fiber laser, and E-form stencils with regular stainless, FG, and nickel foils. YAG is the worse and should only be used for pret

pump print stencil

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 06 02:45:09 EST 2007 | mun4o

hi, we use pump print stencil and have problem with cleaning.we clean the stencil handling, using zestron301, but in the holes stay adhesive.Take a test with ultrasonic cleaner but resalt is not good.

pump print stencil

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 06 08:57:32 EST 2007 | davef

With this small amount of background information on the situation, comments are: * If you let adhesive cure on your stencil, you should not be using Zestron 301. A hammer and chisel is more effective. * Assuming you are not letting the adhesive cure,

Underscreen cleaning cycles

Electronics Forum | Thu May 17 11:07:11 EDT 2012 | scottp

I don't have an opinion on nano coatings since I haven't tried them. Our suppliers keep pushing it so I'll eventually check it out. The reason I zeroed in on the FG foil is because I almost fell into that trap. Several years ago I wasn't aware the

Underscreen cleaning cycles

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 26 13:37:02 EDT 2012 | bobsavenger

I was just wondering what everyone is using for a standard cleaning cycle on their screen printers? I'm sure there a study that I can do on printing but don't have the time currently. Please let me know what everyone is doing as a standard practice

Underscreen cleaning cycles

Electronics Forum | Fri May 11 07:53:28 EDT 2012 | stentech

You may also look into a product called Nano Protek. This is an application that helps reduce your cycles and increase productivity. In some cases beter paste deposition has been recorded. Contact your stencil vendor or I can give you information.

Underscreen cleaning cycles

Electronics Forum | Fri May 11 14:19:14 EDT 2012 | cyber_wolf

Regarding nano coatings : Nano coatings are susceptible to wear during the printing process and cleaning processes. As they wear they flake off and can potentially contaminate your solder. There is not a lot of independent data available on this so k

Underscreen cleaning cycles

Electronics Forum | Fri May 11 14:54:38 EDT 2012 | stentech

I am not aware of the Nano protek flaking off. However I do believe it can wear off through abrasion. Unforunately there is no red light goes off when it has worn unless you have good paste inspection. Even when it wears it will not take you to a neg

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