Electronics Forum: stencil stopper 156281 (Page 1 of 1)

MC110 High-Accuracy Manual Stencil Printer

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 09 07:56:25 EDT 2017 | prdmm1

our company has just purchased the MC110 High-Accuracy Manual Stencil Printer. the only thing I'm not sure about is how to use the PCB Edge Stopper. how is this used? the groove with the stoppers on it is too deep to hold a board because it would s

DEK 265 Horizon

Electronics Forum | Sun May 04 19:18:42 EDT 2008 | dman97

Hi all, I recently acquired a year 2000 dek 265 horizon. It has a manual screen loader with that stupid hand crank adjustable stopper. Can anyone tell me how I am supposed to measure the stencil image dimensions for a front justified stencil? Now on

MPM Accuflex problems and errors

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 30 06:27:22 EDT 2010 | ristikas

It happens on the middle of the stecil cleaning. The camera and the cleaner will stay under stencil in half way back. Then machine asking the initate the motors. If to press initate then the pcb stopper will hit the rails. Usually we move camera and

Can UP 2000 printer work with R and L justified stencils?

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 31 19:52:51 EDT 2006 | darby

TOOLING > OFFSET. The pcb stopper is attached to the camera and a default stop position is calculated from the PCB dimensions. If your stencil image is offset left or right then you can either fiddle the pcb size or input the offset. Offsets front an

Pasting ahead

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 13 02:04:07 EST 2006 | guess

I suggest to review your board , do both boards have fine pitch QFP's or TSSOP's? . If yes, best approach is to finish board at a time to ensure best quality . You can refer to your solder paste TDS to justify why you choose this approach.


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