Electronics Forum: step by step (Page 1 of 143)

BGA step by step

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 23 07:04:15 EDT 1999 | joel cruz

I need know the types, characteristic specials for temperature, general characteristics and all I need know about of manufacturer for BGA. I Hope than you send my information about this.

Re: BGA step by step

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 24 12:37:13 EDT 1999 | Terry Burnette

.032" pitch, and OSP copper pads on boards with devices that have

Re: BGA step by step

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 24 14:02:02 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

.032" pitch, and OSP copper pads on boards with devices that have

Re: BGA step by step

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 27 08:45:42 EDT 1999 | Wolfgang Busko

.032" pitch, and OSP copper pads on boards with devices that have

Re: BGA step by step

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 27 09:42:08 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

.032" pitch, and OSP copper pads on boards with devices that have

double sided step by step

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 04 12:18:43 EDT 1999 | RICK_EEI

Hi everyone, I need some help on the whole process of double sided surface mount. We have been doing surface mount for about 3 months and we're getting ready to take on our first doule sided board. I just need some step by step process regarding sold

Re: BGA step by step

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 23 09:10:53 EDT 1999 | Wolfgang Busko

| I need know the types, characteristic specials for temperature, general characteristics and all I need know about of manufacturer for BGA. | | I Hope than you send my information about this. | | Try this Link http://mot-sps.com/soluti

Re: BGA step by step

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 23 10:03:09 EDT 1999 | Wolfgang Busko

| | I need know the types, characteristic specials for temperature, general characteristics and all I need know about of manufacturer for BGA. | | | | I Hope than you send my information about this. | | | | | Try this Link http://mot-sp

Re: BGA step by step

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 23 13:47:14 EDT 1999 | Terry Burnette

| | I need know the types, characteristic specials for temperature, general characteristics and all I need know about of manufacturer for BGA. | | | | I Hope than you send my information about this. | | | | | Try this Link http://mot-sp

Re: BGA step by step

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 24 11:13:45 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| | | I need know the types, characteristic specials for temperature, general characteristics and all I need know about of manufacturer for BGA. | | | | | | I Hope than you send my information about this. | | | | | | | | Try this Link h

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