Electronics Forum: stick (Page 1 of 98)

green stick test

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 29 11:21:35 EDT 2005 | jsloot

I have heard the term as both green stick and orange stick, but yes, pushing on the leads to detect un soldered leads. The amount of force is subjective. Any thoughts on this is appreciated.

Mydata linear stick feeder

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 15 13:03:14 EDT 2009 | toddscherrsymcomcom

I am looking for any input on the linear stick feeder from Mydata. We currently use a vibe feeder and have a high number of miss picks/rejects on SO8 packages. Is the linear stick feeder worth the investment to upgrade from vibe?

Vibrating stick feeders

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 24 13:27:13 EDT 2003 | mark_m

I am looking for price quotes on some cheap low profile stick feeder for our QP3. They are not US Vibra feeders and I cant seem to find a proper part number for these. They are the FUJI stick feeders anyone care to help with a number or a nice place

green stick test

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 29 09:08:45 EDT 2005 | davef

We call this the "orange stick test", but who's coloring? In preforming the test, you're supposed to use a light touch. Unfortunately, it's difficult to calibrate a "light touch." So, operators often end-up using too much force when probing or usi

green stick test

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 28 17:09:28 EDT 2005 | jsloot

Does anyone have any articles about performing the green stick test for IC leads? If there are no printed articles then perhaps I can get a good description from you on the proper usage of one. I would like to know from your experiences any pros and

Mydata Agilis stick magazine

Electronics Forum | Mon May 26 14:36:04 EDT 2008 | jmills

Any one currently using mydata agilis stick magazine in production. Were looking at buying one but hoped some one would provide feedack? Thanks jim

Juki vibratory stick feeders

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 18 12:07:06 EDT 2011 | emeto

Does anybody know where I can find juki vibratory stick feeders. Juki doesn't offer them any more and I was wondering if some of you doesn't have any that you are not using.

Vibrating stick feeders

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 24 14:28:07 EDT 2003 | russ

Try PAC 972-422-1990

Vibrating stick feeders

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 25 13:19:34 EDT 2003 | Wayne

try US Vibra http://usvibra.com/home.html

green stick test

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 28 20:30:20 EDT 2005 | russ

Are we talking pushing on leads to see if they come loose?

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