Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 04 14:08:59 EDT 2010 | deltaservices
I guess you mean the stick feeder. Most operators, just hold the new stick behind the one that is on the feeder and let the components slide over into the old stick. However, stick feeders are the worst way of feeding components.
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 16 13:21:58 EST 2004 | jsloot
Where can I get a hold of orange/green sticks for checking IC leads?
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 30 21:12:10 EDT 2012 | davef
We're seen components sticking to adhesive that was slobbered on the inside of cover tape.
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 03 16:12:07 EDT 2002 | tenison
And we though macaroni and cheese and a stick was new??!! Everything at the Minnesota state fair is on a stick. I bet these twinkies would be good on a stick????? Tenison Stone Telex Communications
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 18 13:10:33 EDT 2005 | paulhaines2000
I need to load SMT tant. capacitors into sticks for a special placement application on a GSM for track presentation. Does anyone know a company that mfg's custom tubes/sticks for SMT components?
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 29 11:21:35 EDT 2005 | jsloot
I have heard the term as both green stick and orange stick, but yes, pushing on the leads to detect un soldered leads. The amount of force is subjective. Any thoughts on this is appreciated.
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 18 06:58:43 EDT 2008 | cyber_wolf
I have a box of various Fuji stick feeder lanes. Most of them are brand new. These are for STICK feeders. Not vibes. E-mail me if you have any interest.
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 15 13:03:14 EDT 2009 | toddscherrsymcomcom
I am looking for any input on the linear stick feeder from Mydata. We currently use a vibe feeder and have a high number of miss picks/rejects on SO8 packages. Is the linear stick feeder worth the investment to upgrade from vibe?
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 01 12:52:18 EDT 2018 | emeto
Thanks Rob, It looks like my customer wouldn't let me to change the material. However, this potting material still sticks to the non sticking fixture that I have. Can anyone give me a non sticking material that I can make these fixtures out of?
Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 26 19:58:34 EST 2022 | shobanraj95
Hi, how to automate FR4 sticking one a small section of flex circuit? Currently, we're sticking one by one manually. I need some ideas to improvise, like, loading in 1 flex circuit, then the machine sticks Fr4 onto the flex. Any suggestions please.