Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 22 15:37:22 EDT 2006 | russ
Sounds like a rosin flux. Is it sticky as well? Russ
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 01 22:39:28 EDT 2002 | davef
Now, don't be so fast to give-up on those guys. Many saponifier suppliers offer cleaning services for situations like yours. Contact: * Kyzen * Envirosense I seem to remember a similar thread, in the past six months, where our old friend Mike Kon
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 27 12:02:00 EST 2003 | Mike Konrad
Dave is correct. No-clean flux + water = white residue (unless the proper chemical is mixed with the water). Additionally, no-clean flux + IPA = white residue. Many saponifiers work well as do other cleaning agents. White residue may also be a re
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 03 11:17:55 EST 2003 | Randy Villeneuve
White residues are a common problem when cleaning no-clean fluxe residues. The white residue forms when the flux residue is partialy removed, etc. Alcohol should not be your only solution for cleaning. In general, solvents may attack some plastic par
Electronics Forum | Sun Jan 26 09:32:55 EST 2003 | davef
But soon after cleaning and drying with IPA, we find a white residue formation. A: IPA will not nothing to clean your board. The white residue is exactly what you should expect. Search the fine SMTnet Archives for background. >How do we avoid th
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 29 01:25:53 EST 2006 | callckq
Dear All, I have 1 product that using solder bar from vendor called Asahi. After wave process, we found quite a sticky flux residue remain on the board. Eventually, have huge impact on our ICT fisrt pass yield(FPY). Current FPY is a the range of
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 30 11:07:41 EST 2000 | Wolfgang Busko
> the dirty patch appear seems to be a bit powdery on top of stickiness > the "harden" dirt in the solder pot or at pump are ususally "knock" out while cleaning.. is that thorough enough..? Assuming that 1) is true it might not be thorough enough. On
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 30 04:42:28 EST 2000 | cpgoh
HI all, thanks for the advise.. Electrovert is being used from 7am to 7pm and we do dedross from the surface of the solder bath during lunch time around 12nn. Break Time we just sweep them to the side.. Every two week, we do the solder bath maintena
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 15 02:36:12 EST 2017 | bukas
yep, thats it. you will need to clean the whole pot. I used some dishwashing wire and Kyzen, and then removed Kyzen residues with IPA.
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 06 22:40:21 EDT 2007 | davef
Is your NC flux residue cleanable? What does your flux suppler recommend?