Electronics Forum: switching (Page 1 of 129)

Cisco L2 Switch not saving configurations

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 23 11:41:09 EST 2019 | michealsean

After saving the changes I've made to running-config on my Cisco L2 Switch, I restart the Switch, but all settings are resetting. I have the IOS image I downloaded here. Should I upgrade the Switch's IOS software?

ENIG switch contacts

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 05 12:13:28 EDT 2005 | spommer

As part of our conversion to lead-free, I'm redesigning a pcb that had switch contact patterns screened on the board using carbon ink. On the new board, I plan on using the ENIG process and having the switch contacts be patterns of copper with the n

What's MAC Address in a Cisco Switch table?

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 15 02:33:01 EDT 2014 | jasmine01

MAC is short for Media Access Control which is usually stored in ROM on the network adapter card and is unique.The IOS show mac address-table address [PC MAC Address] command shows the MAC address owner in question connects to specific switch port. N

GSM1 Y Axis Limit Switch

Electronics Forum | Mon May 01 08:45:24 EDT 2017 | ilavu

Tom, Its not the scale but the switch itself because while zeroing, if you activate front limit switch for Y axis, Beam should travel back to look for home pulse. It looks like switch signal does not reach to the system.It is really hard to trace the

MPA 80 dip switches: Where are they ?

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 24 13:44:16 EST 2006 | yiannis

hi, Can anyone tell me there are the switches that configure the RS232 communication with computer ? thnks

VCD Halt/Run switch

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 15 14:58:36 EST 2016 | charliedci

Remove the aluminum plate/filter. The first board on left side. The run/halt switch should be visible.

VCD Halt/Run switch

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 23 08:45:29 EST 2016 | proceng1

On my sequesncer, the Halt/Run switch is under a cover on the BACK of the machine.

VCD message error

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 18 12:20:28 EST 2021 | tamcrocker

Thank you for the respond, will check out the switch and give the Alpha 1 Technologies a call if the switch is not the problem.

Strange reaction with Selective Solder alloy

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 06 10:48:01 EDT 2022 | dontfeedphils

Why not just switch back to Superior 75? Why switch in the first place?

Panasert MPA 80 NM 2523

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 13 19:48:31 EDT 2013 | marcelorotofrance

The front door has as security switch, indeed. It works ok. A lever switch for override the door switch is also included from factory. (It don´t look good from the safety point of view but, you know). There is also a presostatic switch on the air reg

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