Electronics Forum: symbol (Page 1 of 7)

edited because this forum dislikes certain symbol combinations

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 21 10:00:13 EDT 2007 | slthomas

"Unfortunately breakaways aren't an option - they are large boards and we already have problems hand placing components and probing them." Not sure what this means in this context....if you frame the perimeter with a 1/2" border on a V-score, how do

Marking 2-d Symbol (datamatrix) on boards

Electronics Forum | Wed May 19 17:35:51 EDT 1999 | John O'Brien

Anyone have experience in marking boards with data matrix symbols? inline? Laser or ink or label? The objective is serialization and total traceability. I'd really like to speak to you about it!

manufacture symbols

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 09 03:05:44 EST 2007 | fordf1502004

one of our chip shooters is dropping a lot of parts, the problem i have is i can not tell which manufacture it is. Can anyone out there help me locate a list with electronic manufacture symbols on it?

extra zeros very confusing....

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 24 17:20:07 EDT 2002 | bdoyle

Here let me try this out. There are some special characters that have certain html codes. Quotes are an example, same with trademark references...and degree symbols. This should be a degree symbol: ° so I could write: 99.9° Now, to use this yo

A different kind of question

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 29 21:58:30 EDT 2004 | Bran

Sorry - forgot to mention that the stock symbol is SMTX and is traded in the U.S. and Canada (under SMX).


Electronics Forum | Mon May 23 10:33:15 EDT 2005 | Thaqalain

What these symbols represent in Component Reference Designations.


Electronics Forum | Thu May 26 21:27:22 EDT 2005 | thaqalain

What are symbols/shape of inverter,buffer,inverter circuit

Unknown Schematic Drawing

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 10 13:41:23 EDT 2006 | sliebl

Photo sensitive diode? See here: http://library.thinkquest.org/10784/circuit_symbols.html

Re: Marking 2-d Symbol (datamatrix) on boards

Electronics Forum | Thu May 20 14:02:36 EDT 1999 | Scott

| Anyone have experience in marking boards with data matrix symbols? inline? Laser or ink or label? | The objective is serialization and total traceability. | I'd really like to speak to you about it! | | Inscriptech technologies makes the laser ma

How do you identify Lead Free Boards from Sn/Pb?

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 06 18:24:33 EDT 2005 | GS

To have symbol embedded in PCB copper it could be an opportunity for error because in case of mountinng on it a non ROHS compliance components/devices, the symbol would not tell the true. Better use the Rohs compliant label, stiked on PCB when sure

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