Electronics Forum: system level test (Page 1 of 120)

Entry level turn key system

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 27 15:37:05 EDT 2013 | tuxlab

We are thinking of getting a small pcb assembly setup for a small manufacturing co-op here in Los Angeles. Our experience consist of manual soldering of through hole and smt components. A quick search suggests that there are a few turn key opt

dynamic/static contamination test

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 02 17:15:48 EST 2006 | Mike Konrad

Asoe, The systems you are describing are Resistivity of Solvent Extract (ROSE) Testers. These systems are available using one of two technologies, Static or Dynamic. Both systems use a calibrated test solution comprised of IPA and DI water. The t

Resistance value level of lead-free solder joint

Electronics Forum | Mon May 26 08:02:11 EDT 2003 | davef

Resistance: Tables of wire gauge often provide a resistance measure of some kind for each gauge. That way we can estimate the resistance of any length of wire we might be interested in. Calculating trace resistance is only slightly more complicated.

SAC copper level control

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 05 12:52:34 EDT 2006 | Mario Scalzo, SMT CPE

Good afternoon! Typically, we normally recommend testing the pot, and adding either Sn/Ag or just Sn to keep it at bay. One nice thing about the solubility of Cu in Sn based alloys is that it should reach a theoretical upper limit of about 0.1%. I

inspection system

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 30 08:00:33 EDT 2003 | pjc

Jason, In Transmission AXI the entire solder joint volume is imaged, not just a slice (no missing information) as with Cross-Section. Also, there is no signal loss from mechanical or digital image reconstruction (highest contrast and edge strength).

inspection system

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 15 08:38:23 EDT 2003 | pjc

Don't have any specific links to papers and articles. Try searching on the IPC.org (plus APEX show http://www.goapex.org) and SMTA.org web sites. Any papers and articles on the process from equipment mfg.'s should be taken with a grain of salt. Sold

electrical test

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 27 15:59:36 EDT 2006 | russ

test at the bare board level consists of opens and shorts. It makes sure that all traces are hooked (connected) up to the appropriate place and they are not shorted to a non common conductor. Russ

Cleanliness test

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 03 19:17:12 EST 2003 | Mike Konrad

Hi Richard My experience with R.O.S.E. testers has been positive with regard to detecting ionic contamination (even exceptionally low levels). As previously mentioned, a good R.O.S.E tester will be able to detect minuet levels of ionic contaminatio

solderability test

Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 03 22:15:13 EST 2002 | caldon

RPS (Robtic Process Systems - I think) Makes a system called a Wet Balance tester. This machine is useful for Solderability on PCB sections and Components. Also for more info please go to http://www.empf.org/html/empfset.htm and down load Decemeber

Contamination test

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 30 21:03:44 EDT 2001 | davef

You should specify the level of res based on the effect of the res on the end-use of the product. J-STD-001 defines cleanliness requirements for ALL flux types, including water soluble and no-clean that you mention. 1 There is no equivalency betwee

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