Electronics Forum: systems[0] (Page 1 of 1)

Siemens line computer

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 13 09:08:40 EST 2002 | stockley

It is a little bit sad that I know this - be prepared for some confusision - this is not as simple as it might seem. Something tells me that the calculation of the tolerances for the nominal dimensions is a little inconsistent. As I recall the defa

Wave Soldering Thick PCB's

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 28 08:07:44 EST 2002 | JohnW

Sorry I keep forgetting you lot are backwards in the old metric system :0) anyhoo, yes IPC, the bastions of right well as long as your board is only 1.6mm thick (sorry 62mils)say that you need 75% min general and 50% on ground planes. I'd like to se


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