Electronics Forum: tables (Page 1 of 107)

AOI Tabletop Suggestions

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 16 19:13:28 EDT 2008 | hegemon

Our Mirtec MV3 Benchtop machine came with its own table. Others may or may not. During our evaluation of AOI machines we had 2 other units set up on standard workbenches at times. A solid, shake free table is a MUST, the heavier the better. There i

Recomendations? Fuji CP7 or Univ HSP4797?

Electronics Forum | Mon May 24 19:58:41 EDT 2004 | Alan.

Hi Grant, change over and set up times for the CP's depend on a few things. For one, if you have enough feeders you can have the feeders reeled up ready to go on the machine. The change over will be very quick. If you are lucky enough to o

Truth Table for and

Electronics Forum | Sun May 22 23:39:25 EDT 2005 | thaqalain

Make truth table for and (A:B,C)

Table Top Glue Dispenser

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 19 15:50:34 EST 2007 | asir

Hi, We are shopping for a table top glue dispenser. Any suggestion?

design work area for visual inspection

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 02 12:44:13 EDT 2005 | russ

Your inspection people will tell you what they need. We have some that prefer to stand while others sit. It has to do with chair / table / operator heights. e.g. tall table with a short operator they will want/need to stand and vice versa. Usuall

CP6 weird D-Table feeder positioning issue?

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 08 04:29:14 EDT 2009 | kircchoffs

Hi Rodrigo, is your problem occurs only at 2nd device table? how about if you transfer the feeders to the 1st device table? if it happens at both device pls your part data if there's a value at pick-up. you can also check the proper data of the de

Mydata Manual load adapter on MY T3 conveyor

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 13 14:43:23 EDT 2015 | alphatronique

HI i try to figure how the "Manual load adapter" work on a T3 Table machine ? seem that the table always try to move the board to the the left sensor location ,but if i use the magnet manual table it will never find the board on the table convey

Re: CP4-2 XY Table

Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 04 12:47:36 EST 1999 | Robert Halliday

Run a DTI over the X and Y edges of the table to ensure that your XY table is flat, adjust the four small screws to suit. Also check that the Z cams are not worn and that the Z cam followers are not siezed or worn(they are prone to flat spots when wo

Siemens S-23 Tables

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 13 09:15:36 EDT 2004 | Tarheel

I am looking for some used Siemens feeder tables. Preferrably the tables that roll for the S-20/S-23 series machines.If anyone finds some them please let me know !!! Thanks......

Universal Multimod Dump Valve Issue

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 03 08:25:30 EDT 2010 | remullis

I removed the muffler yesterday and still had the latch releasing issue, the latch was tight, however the table had some play in it. I adjusted the play out of the table, setup table zero and it fixed the problem. Same symptom as if the latch were lo

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