Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 30 09:56:04 EST 1999 | Judy Forbes
Preleg wire is an epoxy coated wire. Is there an IPC standard or general rule for how Preleg wire (30 Awg) should be tacked down? Should it be tacked down every 1" as is regular wire - Or should it be tacked the whole length of the wire?
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 30 21:38:17 EST 1999 | Dave F
Judy: There's no spec. I think you need to define a minimum requirement (1 tack per inch is OK) for your purposes. Check the guidelines on http://www.circuitnet.com/ for more back ground. We just drag the tacking iron along the wire. It's faster
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 09 13:05:46 EDT 1998 | Phil Crane
I am looking for some guidelines on evaluating solder paste. I am specifically interested in No-Clean Pastes, as they are a completely new ball game when it comes to slump, tack time, stencil life, tack time, etc. Thanks for any and all help given
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 09 13:04:19 EDT 1998 | Phil
I am looking for some guidelines on evaluating solder paste. I am specifically interested in No-Clean Pastes, as they are a completely new ball game when it comes to slump, tack time, stencil life, tack time, etc. Thanks for any and all help given
Electronics Forum | Wed May 11 03:16:57 EDT 2016 | leeg
When running NPI's we used to use a Letraset Low Tack Double Sided Tape to place components onto the PCB to verify placement and to ensure that the program is correct. Letraset have stopped making the tape, what do others use?
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 27 14:27:30 EST 2001 | blnorman
Green strength is the adhesive strength prior to cure, aka tack.
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 06 04:37:21 EST 2009 | janz
Tack test - follow IPC standard TM650 #2.4.44. Regards Janz
Electronics Forum | Wed May 11 10:30:38 EDT 2016 | kahrpr
we use Scotch Removable Double Sided Tape
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 15 04:22:22 EST 2001 | msaad
This message has nothing to do with BGA short, but I spent 30 min trying to find out how to post a new message but I couldn't find it!!! My question is: Does any one know what is "No residue low tack adhesive film used for registration" is used fo
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 10 13:49:27 EDT 1998 | Bob Willis
I have some nice simple test methods that I will email to you this weekend thats one of the documents I must put on my site. | I am looking for some guidelines on evaluating solder paste. I am specifically interested in No-Clean Pastes, as they are a