Electronics Forum: takaya apt9401 apt9411 (Page 1 of 1)

Alternative to tecnomatix test expert for a takaya flyingprobe

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 10 07:19:24 EST 2011 | billo

Are there any good alternatives to technomatix test expert. We are using a Takaya APT9401 flyingprobe. We are looking for at least the same software strenght for at whatever price.

Alternative to tecnomatix test expert for a takaya flyingprobe

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 03 06:15:07 EST 2012 | dean_aster

Are there any good alternatives to technomatix > test expert. We are using a Takaya APT9401 > flyingprobe. We are looking for at least the > same software strenght for at whatever price. There are loads of alternatives, some are better than oth

SPEA 4040 Flying Probe tester--How about Takaya Flying Probe Tes

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 15 10:06:38 EDT 2011 | terrytaaffe

Hi All, > > We are thinking about adding a SPEA > 4040 flying probe tester to our facility to add > some flexability to our test capabilities. Does > anyone have experience they could share on these > units? I would be most interested in progr


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