Electronics Forum: taking a delta 5 lead free wave solder off manual mode (Page 1 of 1)

Solder Saver ??

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 18 06:15:49 EDT 2006 | JH

AJ, I have had the Solder Saver on trial a couple of times and reached the same conclusion both times - it is not for us. However there are benifits for some users. In case you dont know how it works, here is a brief explanation; The hand held to

Re: Wave Solder Problems - VIA HOLES

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 07 12:22:44 EDT 1999 | Chrys Shea

| I'm encountering a new problem at my new company that I haven't encountered before in my past life - and that's Wave Soldering VIA holes. | | We've been getting a rash of defects that we call in this company, "insufficient solder in VIA hole." The


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