Electronics Forum: takt time (Page 1 of 2)

Does anyone remember the takt time formula for the reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 12 17:50:22 EDT 2008 | tzawaide

Takt time and the relationship with the conveyor speed and oven length. Thanks much!!!

Does anyone remember the takt time formula for the reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 12 21:09:25 EDT 2008 | davef

Not so sure takt time is an appropriate for measure to assess a single process, like a reflow oven. Look here: http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rls=GGLC,GGLC:1969-53,GGLC:en&q=takt+time+formula+

Does anyone remember the takt time formula for the reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 27 16:14:24 EDT 2008 | mikesewell

If you get into a discussion with a Lean guy/gal, takt will be the rate of customer demand. People often use takt & cycle time synonymously...FWIW

Does anyone remember the takt time formula for the reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 14 14:46:25 EDT 2008 | hussman

If it works on paper, it has to work in the real world.

Does anyone remember the takt time formula for the reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 14 22:27:31 EDT 2008 | shrek

KRIKIES Hillbilly!

Does anyone remember the takt time formula for the reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 13 08:39:53 EDT 2008 | ck_the_flip

Takt time (without a google search) is the rate (amount of time per pc.) at which stuff gets made on an assembly line, a workcell, a hi-speed SMT line, CNC machine cell, etc.... Takt time is governed by the gate (the slowest person, machine, etc. in

Does anyone remember the takt time formula for the reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 11 03:28:11 EDT 2008 | joseph_gonzales16

Tak time is depend on the solder paste requirement all solder paste there are deferent tak time.

Does anyone remember the takt time formula for the reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 11 15:30:42 EDT 2008 | hussman

How do you assure your operator follows this math? Our operators can't even pull their pants all the way up or wear their hats on straight.

Does anyone remember the takt time formula for the reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 11 18:18:26 EDT 2008 | shrek

KRIKIES! I wonder if people can find "dee lees common dee-nomb-me-nay-tor."

Does anyone remember the takt time formula for the reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 31 07:58:50 EDT 2008 | vinitverma

Assuming the following: L=Process Length of the oven t=Desired profile time in mins(depends on the paste/glue used) l=PCB length l1=gap between consecutive PCBs Then the total no. of PCBs per hour is" (L*60/t)/(l+l1) Vinit

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