Electronics Forum: tamura 7 zone reflow oven (Page 1 of 10)

5 zone reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 23 18:27:12 EST 2005 | gpaelmo

Hi Indy, Check http://www.jmw-inc.com (they are in the midwest so shipping will not be too bad going out east). I bought 2 MPM printers and a pick and place machine from them late in 2004. I know they have 5-zone reflow and 7-zone ovens there (elect

Electrovert Omniflo 7 reflow ovens

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 30 11:59:00 EDT 2001 | Spanky

Hey all, I have 3 questions about reflow. Hopefully someone can help me. 1. I am having a problem. I set the peak at 230 and my mole thermocouples are telling me the temp in that zone gets to 237. How is this possible even if the thermocouple

reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 10 14:08:29 EDT 2005 | greg

Hi there I have a question about reflow oven for Pb-free technology. I've noticed that some of the manufactures offer reflow ovens with short (26-30 lenght in cm) heat zones others offer longer more then 30 cm. So there are ovens with total heat len

reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Mon May 24 15:50:11 EDT 2004 | Rob

hi all What do you think about soldering pb-free in reflow oven (air) lenght 1,7m (5 zones top,bottom) with max zone temp. 300C? Do you think that this process will be stable? Our max PCb dimension 260x260 mm. When i compare different oven producer t

Reflow Temperatures and speed for a 7 zone top/bot for conceptro

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 16 14:39:49 EDT 2003 | stepheno

The second one is typical. The important temperature is the temperature of the joint, not the setting of the oven. The oven setting are only important because they determine the temperature of the joint. If you set the oven to 150, that will be th

Reflow Temperatures and speed for a 7 zone top/bot for conceptro

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 24 09:42:52 EDT 2003 | stepheno

The temprature for the first zone should be less as the PCB entering the oven from the ambient shop floor temprature would suffer a thermal shock from a higher temp. Experience must be gained from profiling a board with thermocouples, otherwise you

Reflow Temperatures and speed for a 7 zone top/bot for conceptro

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 25 12:11:43 EDT 2003 | stepheno

We have a 5 zone oven and were starting at 150 which brought it up too fast. Even with only a 5 zone starting at 140 we get the temp up to soaking temp fast enough. ( I think too fast actually) What kind of oven do you have anyways? And I can't

Reflow Temperatures and speed for a 7 zone top/bot for conceptro

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 24 06:58:53 EDT 2003 | sanjeevc

Hi The temprature for the first zone should be more as the PCB entering the oven from the ambient shop floor temprature needs a higher temp.Next zone could be lower than the first zone.The ramp is a relation of conveyor speed and the temp profile.T

Reflow Temperatures and speed for a 7 zone top/bot for conceptro

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 26 04:34:49 EDT 2003 | emeto

Hi James, I saw very good posts here.Now I will give you one more practical way: 1. My advice is to encrease the temperature(like your first sidgestion). Termostress is important thing so your first zone should be 120-150C. 2. The paste profile. If

Reflow Temperatures and speed for a 7 zone top/bot for conceptro

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 16 13:57:48 EDT 2003 | James

Could anyone give me a basic profile temperature settings for a conceptronics 7 zone oven and speed? I have the first couple of zones ramped up to get to the soak temperatures. Is this correct or should I start out with low temperatures and graduall

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