Electronics Forum: tamura solder flux issues (Page 1 of 69)

QFN solder issues Lead Free

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 24 07:57:55 EDT 2007 | davef

It sounds like the QFN component is not solderable. * Use ANSI/J-STD-002, Solderability Tests for Component Leads, Terminations, Lugs, Terminals, and Wires * Contact your QFN component supplier for help * Consider a more active flux, since you might

SMT issues

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 09 08:34:07 EST 2006 | davef

If your component meets ANSI/J-STD-002 - Solderability Tests for Component Leads, Terminations, Lugs, Terminals, and Wires, then the problem is at your customer's operation. If the problem is at your customer's operation, it's very difficult to anal

Selective solder flux blocking nozzle.

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 10 05:04:26 EDT 2008 | bing007

We are using Mulicore MF101 flux and a Vitronics selective soldering machine on a lead-fee assembly and are having trouble with nozzles blocking even when the nozzle aperture is increased. Has anyone come across this problem before using fluxes with

Re: VOC free flux wave solder fixtures

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 06 14:23:27 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| | | I've heard that use of VOC free flux with wavesolder fixtures can be challenging due to entrapment of water in the fixture. | | | | | | Is anyone out there successfully running VOC free with wave fixtures & did you experience problems? If so,

Flux splatter issues

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 05 12:45:06 EST 2016 | horchak

Your most likely ramping temp to fast and boiling the flux, or do have moisture in the fabs. BTW every solder paste rep has the solution until their product doesn.t work then they have excuses.

Flux splatter issues

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 08 17:37:29 EST 2016 | steprog

Sorry, I guess I don't know how to address an individual on this thread directly. The fella who represents the anti-flux solder paste - Graham Cooper.

Solder wetting issues

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 01 21:17:30 EST 2005 | davef

Does the solder melt when 'hit' with a soldering iron [and maybe a little flux]? If so, what is the appearance of the solder flow? What causes the green tint in the picture you provided?

Flux splatter issues

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 04 10:45:12 EST 2016 | steprog

Yes, working with both the solder reps and the oven manufacture. It seems everything is in spec.

Wave Solder issues

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 14 19:11:44 EDT 2014 | caurbach

We have a 6622CC machine for SnPb boards. A few things you may want to try: - Solderability testing on the components/PCB. - If the fuse holders or copper in the board are sucking up all the heat, try increasing preheat. Some fluxes (like the WS f

Solder wetting issues

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 02 08:57:39 EST 2005 | russ

You hit it on the nose Pavel, the fluxes in paste are formulated to have 2 activating points if you will, one at low temp and one at high temp. when the low temp flux gets killed this is what you will see. This is the main reason we opted out of K

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