Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 07 17:00:39 EST 2023 | proceng1
Prior to the Generators, we bought tanks of N2. As long as you have an air compressor that can supply the generator, it's pretty much maintenance free. You change filters every year. In almost 15 years, other than changing filters, we've had to r
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 12 05:14:42 EST 1999 | S L CHANG
We are currently cleaning solder paste (TAMURA SQ-1030FP) from stencil using an ultrasonic stencil cleaner with solvent (HYSPER-Non CFC). The process cycle time is 30 sec. cleaning in 1st ultrasonic tank and another 30sec. cleaning in 2nd ultrasonic
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 24 07:32:53 EDT 2016 | davef
Tell us more ... Have you checked the density of your flux? How old is the flux? Is this a spray or a foam fluxer? What type of maintenance is being done? Do you get good hole fill with the the tank pressure of 130 on other boards?
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 15 12:27:59 EDT 2015 | sumote
The key to longevity in any automated soldering machine is in the preventative maintenance. If the machine has had regular maintenance preformed on it, your job will be that much easier. The 1st thing I would do is to either throw out the solder t
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 23 12:34:28 EST 2015 | dyoungquist
Our nitrogen generator and an air drying unit came with the selective solder machine when it was purchased new in 2008 as a package deal. We originally were feeding the system with air that was not properly dried. That lead to some maintenance cost
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 05 13:08:16 EST 2001 | billschreiber
Hi Roger, Our customers use their Smart Sonic Stencil Cleaners for cleaning SMT and wave pallets. There are two primary protocols used. 1) If you have a large quantity of pallets and they are becoming contaminated rapidly, a dedicated stencil clean
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 23 11:27:45 EST 2015 | charliedci
Per our selective solder provider, they recommend a PSA type generator to supply the needed 99.999% pure N2. The membrane type (which we have) does not provide the minimum (99.995%) purity necessary for lead free wave soldering. They happen to sell P
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 14 18:09:16 EDT 1998 | Dave F
| Our company currently donesn't have any type of sonic wash to wash boards that have been "miss printed" Wanting to know the best way to go about this. So what we are having to do is spray down the boards with alcohol and wipeing the solder paste
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 15 19:43:13 EDT 1998 | Wayne Bracy
| Users Of Tanks To Clean Stencils & Boards: Please help me understand how your process works: | 1 What do you do before you tank clean a board or stencil? For instance, do you wipe the majority of the paste from the board or stencil? | 2 Do you
Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 07 18:18:58 EST 2015 | ttheis
Hi everyone, We just got our first wave soldering machine operational (novastar 8s) and its working great. I'm just a little unsure about how to best maintain the foam fluxer daily. Do you drain it from the machine each day or just cover the flux t