Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 12 04:40:03 EST 1998 | Galen
| Scott - Good to see things are going well for you. With regard to your comments, Quad has introduced a complete line of Semi-conductor/APT machines (Q Series) that support both SMT and Semi-conductor applications. The machines were introduced in
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 03 10:24:54 EDT 2008 | grayman
Hello WaveMaster Larry, I think you are very well knowledgeable in wave machine or process. However, I think the reason why your former company won�t listen to you is because you also never listen to your people. I think you overlooked the saying �N
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 21 18:28:42 EST 2008 | Frank
In the good old days, I've made raw boards at home. Layout the design and then transfer it to a bare copper clad board. Etching it out is the fun part. I grabbed our 9x13 pyrex baking dish from the kitchen. Using metal etching dish doesn't make
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 11 09:51:56 EST 2009 | dyoungquist
I won't say never but very rarely do we have problems with the flux seperating. The way we get around the 1-2 hour warmup time is this: The day before we run a particular job, the last person takes out the paste needed from the fridge as the last t
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 17 23:33:08 EST 2005 | darby
If the machine is on it's way..... Question is 1. What if the machine is on its way / remote site...and need to estimate (say 90-95%) probability ? A1. 1 x 8 hour shift 65% x 1 of software estimate or stop watch estimate run on same machine in a dr
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 28 17:54:59 EDT 2000 | Steve Thomas
We're trying out 0603 packages on some 0805 footprints (at this stage only on some test boards) since our vendor tells us the 0805's are going to be getting harder to get, and more expensive to pay for. I understand the IPC footprint for the two is
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 31 14:52:25 EST 2000 | Dr. Kantesh Doss
Hi Antonio: You clearly have printed excessive amount of solder paste on the pad. You can reduce the amount of paste by one or two methods: 1. Switchover to 5 mil thick stencils. 2. Change the design of your stencil openings (at the discrete compone
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 12 13:01:12 EST 2004 | patthemack
Thanks for your response. This is a DeHaart MPC-29. It has manual vision, no conveyor. When I bought it, only one camera was working. I fixed that, but while I was jacking with that, the electronic pressure regulator (spcjr) burned up without warning
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 09 10:41:28 EDT 2010 | chrislyttle
We've been having some problems with out Fuji IP2E machine that we've recently bought from a company that is no longer operating here. Since installing it we've encountered a few problems with it starting up. To give you a quick breakdown of its be
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 16 09:18:52 EST 2001 | pteerink
just gotta put in my two cents worth...... theories are great, and I do not disagreee that almost all root causes can be traced back to human error. ( just an aside, but it would be a little hard for me to get ahold of the production guy somewhere