Electronics Forum: tap of table (Page 1 of 6)

looking for manual of the Royonic 510 table how to program them

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 07 09:43:07 EDT 2015 | protokos

Hi all. I can buy 2 Royonic 510 tables. Now im looking for a manual , how to programm them. can anyone help me with a copy of the manual or, give me an workinstruction how to programm them Tanks Wil.

looking for manual of the Royonic 510 table how to program them

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 20 11:31:52 EDT 2015 | heatherc

Aegis software has a programming solution for offline programming of these machines. http://www.aiscorp.com

Washing of Misprinted PCBs

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 26 13:27:48 EDT 2009 | stepheniii

My understanding is the resin does a one to one ion exchange. And that when it becomes saturated, it does nothing. edit, and you do mean tap water, not toilet water, right?

CP4 of death

Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 15 11:18:58 EDT 2006 | oldtech

I once had a problem with the fid camera that caused this problem Try turning on the fid camera and align the cross hairs over the tooling pin or any stationary object. lightly tap the edge of the light housing with a alan wrench if you see the cro

CP4 of death

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 14 13:36:44 EDT 2006 | cyber_wolf

Dax, More than likely your moveable rail is slipping on the X-Y table. Make sure there is no oil where the breaks grab the table. Sometime the breaks wear out and need replaced. The contact surface on the break lever is only a couple of thou.. We hav

Solderability of a metal

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 03 23:24:06 EST 2008 | Mag10

I have a project to evaluate solderability of various metals or plated finish. I'd like to tap in to get some advise. The project is to evaluate solderability of various metals or plated finishes for RF shield application with reflow. Due to the hig

Washing of Misprinted PCBs

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 26 12:38:31 EDT 2009 | smtirl

Folks, discovered an issue this morning where solder joints on PCBs that came out of wash system have turned BLUE! Bare pads and test points also contaminated but not as obvious visually. Looks like it could be a chemical reaction between wash

CP4 of death

Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 15 19:11:53 EDT 2006 | daxman

If I've been clear, the parts become offset as the XY table moves around, without fiducial correction. It's when it does a fiducial correction that the placement is alright. If the placement is excellent, and I just zip the table around...load posit

Baking of MSD devices

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 29 01:46:10 EST 2006 | hanocete

Hi! to all, Here in our company, we sometimes received BGAs and ICs that were packed poorly(not sealed), and no MSL level written to it from our suppliers, now we subject the material for baking before using it. We use J-STD-033B table 4-1 as our cr

Dielectric values of materials

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 07 12:32:39 EDT 2003 | Don Beane

I'm looking for the dielectric values of materials for flex, rigid and flex/rigid pcb construction. Has anyone put together tables for this information? Where can I find the information to figure out what dielectric resistances I need based on altitu

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