Electronics Forum: tape machine (Page 1 of 69)

tape and reel machine

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 11 13:37:35 EDT 2001 | Stefan

The pressure sensitive tape is used as an alternative to heat sealed cover tape. It works usually quite well and is easily applied by the taping machine, but it can create some problems in the tape feeder. In the Surftape, Cal is referring to, the c

tape and reel machine

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 09 14:10:24 EDT 2001 | cal

I am confused. You are using pressure sensitive tape. the pessure sensitive tape i have seen does not use cover tape.The pressure sensitive tape I am familiar with is called "Surftape" could you provide some more clarification?? Surftape is more co

tape and reel machine

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 24 15:20:27 EST 2000 | Chris McDonald

I have recently purchased a Tape and reel machine from V-Tech. We are using Presure Sensitive tape and we are not geting good results. Anything bigger that a SOIC14/16 gives us trouble. The cover tape will pull off on the feeder and we will lose part

tape and reel machine

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 09 22:21:54 EDT 2001 | caldon

.............and since this link originated from march of 2000 I should not expect a response

tape and reel machine

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 10 12:22:08 EDT 2001 | Kevin

Cal, There are several suppliers of cover tape materials that do not require heat to activate the adhesive. 3M and Advantek are likely the leaders. There are relatively few T&R machines that can handle both heat and non-heat applications - as Chri

tape and reel machine

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 10 13:35:00 EDT 2001 | stepheno

I used to work with Chris. (neither of us are there anymore). What is he talking about is putting components into "pockets". The parts would come in, in sticks (tubes) but we wanted them in reels. At first we sent them out to be reeled, but that w

Re: tape and reel machine

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 20 08:50:58 EDT 2000 | Mike Keogh

Ref.message from Chris McDonald,CORRECTION... VTECH SMT LTD. of Stirling, Scotland are an award winning supplier to major 'Blue Chip' companies and should in no way be confused with V-Tek inc. as intimated in chris's message. To date we have never su

Looking for tape and reel machine

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 24 23:25:03 EST 1998 | Larry

I am looking for a machine to put parts on tape and reel. I am supplied with parts from customers that are on short cut strips for production prototype boards. I would like to put these onto feeders, but they need to be re-taped first. Is there is a

Was: tape and reel machine Now: routers?

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 09 04:07:45 EDT 2001 | Amos Parkinson

Was wondering if your company also sells routers ? I was looking for info on one made by V-tech. Any info / links would be appreciated.

splice tape will join carrier tape without shutting off machine

Electronics Forum | Wed May 21 20:58:48 EDT 2003 | star7483

APPLICATION: SMT CARRIER TAPE FEATURE: �� High efficiency: joining is accomplished without shutting off the machine. The SMT machine can increase output 5%-15%. �� Reducing SMT machine and feeder abrasion: There is no need to unload & reload feeder

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