Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 21 12:34:58 EDT 2011 | scottp
If there was a ball in cup defect on the original assembly then it could behave like you explained.
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 21 23:10:13 EDT 2011 | kemasta
Hi Scott Thank you very much.
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 21 02:41:29 EDT 2011 | kemasta
Hi It's me again. Our products need to pass a chamber test 45c/36hrs after the PCBA completed batch of functional tests and assemble in to case. We found 1 unit was functioning for 24hours in the chamber, but hang after that. We tried to re-boot the
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 26 16:44:18 EDT 2006 | df
All, We have a board that has failed at burn in. There is a 672 BGA on the board. When the test guy presses down on the BGA the board will pass ! What am I looking at here? Board finish is ENIG - could this be black pad / what should I do to diagn
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 11 21:47:24 EDT 2001 | arul2000
Hello, I am looking for information on the Dye Penetration test for area array package failure analysis. Any recommendation on the dye to use? Any articles leading to this? Any comments on the effectiveness of this test? Regards, Arul
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 12 20:41:24 EDT 2001 | arul2000
Thanks David.I do not have any specific failure analysis to do now. But, like to use this technique in future. Appreciate your composure even during this time of unprecedented attacks. Regards, Arul
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 12 21:13:17 EDT 2001 | davef
Just because I�m not currently ranting about nuking Kabul, Tehran, Baghdad, and Algiers or laying a coat of jellied gasoline on those little punks celebrating with their candy in Palistine; that doesn�t mean my shock and grief will not turn to anger.
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 12 18:11:03 EDT 2001 | davef
First, what on the area array package are you analyzing � * Package cracking? * Cracked solder balls? * Er, what? Second, most failure analysis discussions consider dye penetration to be a non-destructive test, but then again most failure analysis
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 16 13:57:31 EDT 2013 | emeto
By tape manufacturer you can have up to two empty slots in the tape. That means you should have two retries after the first pick up.
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 30 08:21:07 EDT 2009 | cunningham
Hi We have a board at the moment thats passing ICT and passing functional test but its failing test after conformal coating has anyone had any experinces of this? or any idea what may be causing this?