Electronics Forum: tar reflow (Page 1 of 1)

How dangerous are the fumes from a reflow oven?

Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 10 22:23:10 EDT 2019 | halfslice

Hello, I recently had to leave an SMT job because of the fumes generated from a reflow oven. Smoke poured out of the oven and left a tar-like yellow residue on everything near the input and output side. Its been two weeks since I left that job and I

I mounted the parts on the buck-boost DCDC converter and measured the characteristics

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 23 03:29:37 EDT 2022 | samhe

I received a buck-boost DCDC board with an optical sensor from NextPCB, so I mounted the components and measured the efficiency. Table of contents Board received from NextPCB Solder paste printing Mounting of parts Reflow operation check Attaching


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