Electronics Forum: tc electronics solutions vietnam (Page 1 of 1)

electrodeposited resist

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 10 11:10:08 EDT 2002 | Wang

I wonder if anyone has experience with electrodeposited photoresist, namely PEPR 2400. I have had some problems working with it. If I do not use thickness controller PEPR 2400 TC (active component 2-Octanone), film tends to be thick. I fI use it, fil

Temperature Probes for Reflow Profiling

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 11 14:45:22 EDT 2007 | samir

ECD, KIC, or any mfgr. of thermal profiling devices will charge a premium for "simple stuff". For example, ECD charges a grand for their "flux-o-meter", which is just a PCB with a hole pattern, a pallet, and pH-sensitive paper. You can easily ma


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