Electronics Forum: tcm x200 sanyo drive (Page 1 of 1)

QP-132E // FCM 2

Electronics Forum | Fri May 24 17:28:04 EDT 2002 | fastek

Good points regarding Sanyo. I believe they were the first to introduce the "Direct Drive" concept. It's quite impressive. Panasonic probably ripped them off when designed their MSR's. It's interesting to note that an FCM-2 placing 96,000 comp. per h

QP-132E // FCM 2

Electronics Forum | Fri May 24 11:46:34 EDT 2002 | tmv

Lot's of good discussion in this string...but I think we've missed a few points. First off...turret machines are more than capable of handling the smaller component sizes (in fact, they are the best)...Machines like the SANYO TCM-3000 or Universal 47


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