Electronics Forum: technical devices nu/clean galaxy in-line wash (Page 1 of 1)

Aqueous Cleaning Systems

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 06 17:56:52 EST 2003 | pjc

Batch vs. In-Line for straight aqueous cleaning applications tends to be all about production. You'll have to see what cycle times you get from the various batch systems out there vs. the in-lines. In-Lines come in various sizes. Some of the leading

Technical Devices NuClean 324

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 13 10:37:38 EDT 2003 | joeherz

I may have the oppurtunity to purchase this machine. My experience with in-line machines is limited to Trek (Triton IV) and Electrovert (aquastorm) having success and failure with both. The equipment would be used strictly for an OA chemistry and w


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