Electronics Forum: technologies ultrasonic degreaser (Page 1 of 9)

Cleaning OA flux with vapor degreaser

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 09 14:23:03 EST 2010 | zanolli

Hello SMTnetters We have a unique application requiring cleaning of an aggressive OA flux. A vapor degreasing process or the immersion of the parts in boiling solvents has some process advantages over an ultrasonic aqueous process. These advantages

Cleaning OA flux with vapor degreaser

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 09 14:53:16 EST 2010 | davef

Resistivity Of Solvent Extract [ROSE] is a bulk ion contamination [BIC] test method. It should thought of as a process control tool used to assess ionic contaminants. Don't consider it an acceptable tool for establishing 'GO-NOGO' limits. The stan

Recommendations for ultrasonic cleaning solution

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 10 18:03:49 EDT 2001 | pzohbon

Does anyone have a recommendation for a cleaning solution used in an ultrasonic cleaner for cleaning RMA solder paste off stencils and adhesive off pcb boards. I am going to be evaluating Armakleen 2001, Zestron Vigon SC 200, and Aqueous Technologies

Disposal of ultrasonic cleaning water

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 24 14:47:25 EDT 2008 | bschreiber

There is also an article in the March 2007 issue of U.S. Tech magazine that reviews ultrasonic cleaning technology for PCBs titled "Reducing the Cost of Misprinted PCBs". The information is also relevant to post reflowed PCBs. A PDF copy of the art

Baking assemblies after ultrasonic water wash

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 25 20:01:54 EDT 2009 | davef

Shanelo Technologies Given that isopropyl alcohol [IPA] is produced by combining water and propene. How does soaking a board in water and a flammable liquid drive off water?

Ultrasonic washing for boards

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 25 02:25:32 EDT 2005 | Mike Konrad

The issue of using ultrasonic technology for post reflow de-fluxing presents challenges in two categories: Controversial: Although there are recent studies that indicate acceptance with ultrasonic technology on populated assemblies, there remains si

Printed Circuit wash system

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 01 21:40:04 EDT 2008 | davef

Vapor degreasing systems * Thermal Equipment [Baron-Blakeslee]; Torrance, CA; thermalequipment.com * Exselect Engineering; Concord, ON CAN; exselect.com * Branson Ultrasonics; Danbury, CT; bransoncleaning.com * Greco Brothers; Providence, RI; grecob

Stencil cleaners.

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 24 15:10:37 EDT 2006 | carln

Here are some additional comments that have been posted on the CircuitNet web site: Fist, the answer is the same regardless of the specific paste type, (leaded or non-leaded). High pressure sprays should never be applied to a stencil. Stencils are

Removal of No-Clean flux residue

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 06 10:34:21 EDT 2001 | Mike Konrad

Hi Jeff, Sean is correct. Although ultrasonic technology will work in post-reflow de-fluxing applications, you will receive concerns regarding ultrasonic �damage� to wire bonded components. Much has been written to combat this belief but the conce

Vapor batch cleaning of flux residues

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 19 17:53:17 EDT 2009 | aqueous

This is not a common method of defluxing. Vapor degreasers were the top choice pre-1989 but have given way to spray-in-air defluxing technology. Here come of the vapor degreaser manufacturers: Detrex http://www.detrex.com/ Baron Blakeslee http://

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