Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 13 15:40:53 EST 2002 | pjc
Too many British. Maybe some below can refer you to Dutch or Belgian companies. SMD-Taping Service Bartholomaeusweg 8 D-91522 Ansbach Germany Tel. / Fax: +49 981 17356 Tel.: +49 981 9724363 Fax: +49 981 9724364 www.smd-taping-service.com Reel Servi
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 15 11:39:10 EST 2008 | pbarton
Try Tarvet Electronics: Bothwell Road Castlehill Industrial Estate Carluke, ML8 5UF Tel: 01555 751566 sales@tarvet.com
Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 01 09:50:15 EDT 2001 | davef
I have no first hand knowledge, but the following may help: JAPAN MARKETING ASSOCIATION Head Office: 3 rd Floor, Wako Bldg., 4-8-5 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106, Japan Tel: +81-3-3403-5101 Fax: +81-3-3403-5106 http://www.jma-jp.org/JMAhome/Eng/Mai
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 11 07:12:45 EST 1998 | Mohamed Ragai
Dear SMTNETers, I need help in the following subject : Copying of a pre-programmed master EEprom DIP 8 leads from AMTEL to many other IC's ( Gang Copier ), without using any PC media, in other words ,i need the old style cheap IC copier(and NOT
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 06 03:06:18 EDT 2013 | 5pcb
We are a complex pcb supplier in China. We are good at making prototypes and multilayer (8-20)layers PCB. If you think your boards are difficult enough, you can contact me. Let's talk details. sales2@dmele.com Name:Lily Tel:0086-0755-23006293.
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 14 11:15:15 EDT 2000 | Graeme
I also have and run a FGL1 I checked the rack in our machine and there are nine slots numbered left to right slot 1 VM1110TA,slots 2,3,and 4 none slot 5 VM1520, slot 6 VM1510, slot 7 VM1530, slots 8 and 9 none.Have you tried Astro Technology ltd Tel
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 14 11:15:34 EDT 2000 | Graeme
I also have and run a FGL1 I checked the rack in our machine and there are nine slots numbered left to right slot 1 VM1110TA,slots 2,3,and 4 none slot 5 VM1520, slot 6 VM1510, slot 7 VM1530, slots 8 and 9 none.Have you tried Astro Technology ltd Tel
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 01 18:27:28 EDT 2005 | Board House
Hi I currently Manufacture product for Dataradio Inc. in Quebec. and would be interested in quoting your product. We are a Multi-layer facility in Minnesota, we currenty manufacture layer counts between 2 & 18 layers. Line widths and Spacing down t
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 24 21:56:15 EDT 2002 | davef
Russ is correct. The sales-types telling you these stories are not acting reputably. You should not allow them in your plant. If you do not control the sales-types that gain entry to your plant, ask that person to come on-line here and we will exp
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 07 11:19:13 EST 2005 | cyber_wolf
Another thing : Make sure that there are no other mags plugged into the machine while you are trying to trouble shoot slot 3. I have seen shorted vibratory ID chips mess up other magazines up in different slots. For instance : a shorted vibe in slo