Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 02 08:06:11 EDT 2008 | pcbbuilders
Is there a limit to the time that most components can stay at temperatures around 130-200 deg c? if i slow the time, the first 4 zones will be at this temp for about 5 minutes in no lead process. i am concerned that some chips wont be rated at this t
Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 05 07:17:25 EST 2005 | JeffP
That was the case with your oven but it is not so with ours. First, the distance from walls of the inner chamber to the product differs from one oven to another. Second, the dissipation of heat from metal heats up the air in the oven which in turn h
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 26 08:29:37 EDT 2007 | pavel_murtishev
Good afternoon, We develop reflow profile ones and control it daily or when recipe changes after that. Modern reflow ovens are usually very stable. This means that your zone temperature set points won�t deviate from initial ones. You can calculate d
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 27 18:44:14 EST 2004 | Mark
I am testing some BGA's (PBGA 30mm x 30mm) to evaluate the maximum ramp rate we can achieve in our reflow oven. Temperature is being measured at the body(top) of the component / not leads. After several trials (with various oven settings), the high
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 07 20:46:55 EDT 1999 | Jeff Ferry
| | | My company is starting a prototype. The chips that will be used appear to be very sensitive. The vendor part number is Neta-40-2. | | | My question is what solder temp should be used for this part? | | | Any advice is appreciated. | | | THX. |
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 04 11:29:46 EST 2005 | JeffP
Jay, I work for a company that manufactures batch reflow ovens however, I will try to be as subjective as possible. For the most part, what others have posted is true. Yes, there is one heating chamber and if the heater does not have enough power
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 04 17:40:58 EST 2005 | JeffP
did not count from the time the board was > introduced, because the oven did that. What we > had to count was the seconds from the reflow > point, because it would vary from board to board > as the oven heated up. > I am not certain exactly how
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 26 15:48:04 EDT 2010 | markhoch
Sudhir, This part appears to have a lot of mass, thus it may be very heavy. What type of placement machine are you using? Is the PCB held in a fixed place on the table while the gantry moves in the X and Y? Or does the PCB move in the X and Y while t
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 03 15:03:49 EST 2018 | dleeper
I can't open your spread sheet to see how you calculate this, but usually this sort of calculation assumes the leads are spaced symmetrically on both sides of the part and the center of mass is between them. Gravity pulls the part down, while the wet
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 11 14:05:30 EDT 2001 | davef
No, there's not a really great epoxy product for attaching thermocouples in reflow. Specifically, what's your problem? From Sanders Temprobe verbage ... Adhesives There are two general classes of material commonly used to adhesive bond thermoc