Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 16 07:07:42 EDT 2005 | dd
Hello. I would to get any recommendations about saving techniques of aoi templates. Here some options iv thought for: By the number/name of the component By the component type (plcc,bga...) By the GF we get from the camcad files (102,103....) Any oth
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 01 12:23:35 EST 2005 | faortiz
Hi, I'm wondering if anybody knows of another vender other then Winslow that makes disposable BGA reball templates? I really appreciate your help. Thank you, Felipe
Electronics Forum | Sun Dec 04 20:07:55 EST 2005 | mrduckmann2000
I do not have any other vendors to offer.....are you having trouble with the Winslow preforms? Just curious. I too have used them in the past, some with good results - but mostly disasters. I have worked with everyone, even the president on attach
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 05 21:49:07 EST 2005 | davef
Methods for reballing BGA are: * Reballing preforms [SolderQuik BGA Preform winslowautomation.com ] * Reballing screens [marketed by many including: Mini Micro Stencil, Pace, Topline]
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 04 12:46:15 EDT 2019 | davef
Inspection templates
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 24 09:49:20 EDT 2019 | amitthepcbguy
Wave soldering inspection templates enhance the visual inspection process by guiding the operator's eyes to a specific location on the board to check for the presence and correctness of components. I feel that PCB visual inspection template should be
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 06 15:54:03 EDT 2019 | linux
Hello All, I'm looking for information on OEE data collection for our smt dept. Would anyone have a template excel based or know of somewhere we can purchase a template which would allow the operator to fill in data at shift end. Any info greatly app
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 03 13:14:01 EDT 2019 | markhoch
Hey Process Peeps, I'm looking for a supplier of PCB Inspection templates for use at Wave Solder Inspection to verify placement and polarity of specific component locations. (This would be a template that the inspector would overlay over the PCB dur
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 21 09:15:49 EDT 1999 | Michael Hojati
I like to see if anyone has any info or experinces with metal inspection templates in a post oven process. My problem issue is the ESD, since they are metal(12 mil stencil material). I welcome any comment. Thank you.
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 02 20:41:15 EDT 2005 | Proy
Does anybody know of any source to search for component template definitions by package type for use on an svs8100 laser inspection system? Seams kind of crazy that all users of these machines should have to create each of their own from scratch....