Electronics Forum: tensile strength measurements (Page 1 of 8)

tensile strenght tester

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 29 21:23:55 EST 2008 | molos21

Hi everyone, Is there any instrument that you are using to measure the tensile strenght of a solder joint?. I would like to measure that from smd and thru hole parts. I just want to take a few samples to verify the mechanical properties. Thanks

joint strength

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 26 09:16:59 EST 2008 | barryg

Hello everyone, after a short layoff I am glad to be back. I have a question. I have a button (snap button) that is being soldered to a strip of sac coated copper. We are questioning the joint strength of this from our vendor as we see these popping

Solder joint strength

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 22 07:39:05 EST 2005 | davef

There is no standard. This is a relative test. If you wish to do tests of this kind, we suggest to pay attention to the following points: * Shear strength of soft solder depends on the deformation speed applied. The faster the material is deformed t

pull strength on leads

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 27 05:51:28 EST 1998 | jacqueline coia

Could you please tell what are the current avaliable standards, if any (BSI/IPC) for a measurement value on the mechanical pull strength on SMT IC leads after reflow. Thanks in advance, Jack.

Solder joint strength

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 04 17:32:07 EDT 2005 | toromaster

we also have a need to measure the solder bond strength of our gull wing parts on our pwb. there are many published comparisons between eutectic SnPb and no Pb solders out there. the number that comes to mind is about 10N to 15N. I have not looked

Solder joint strength

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 22 03:23:10 EST 2005 | EA

Hi, We are trying to break a component ( SMT component ) off the printed circuit board and measure the quality of the solder joint. But, after breaking off and having the reading, we do not know whether the reading is it within the component specifi

Solder joint strength

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 29 14:45:12 EST 2005 | davef

IPC-TM-650 TEST METHODS MANUAL Number Subject: Bond Strength, Surface Mount Lands Perpendicular Pull Method 1 Scope This test method is used to determine the bond strength (breakaway strength) of surface mount lands from substrate materials

Solder joint strength

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 24 19:17:43 EST 2005 | EA

Hi, We are running the automotive product and question was throw to us how do we ensure that our solder joint are good enough after reflow.....and during the sealant process, there's a bit of bend on the nozzle and it toughes the component and custo

Solder joint strength

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 30 16:46:03 EST 2005 | chunks

There is no spec because solder is designed to provide an electrical connection not a mechanical connection to hold the part on. If it where mechanical we�d be welding our parts on. Your pad width and length are derived from your component manufact

how to measure Adhesive strength

Electronics Forum | Mon May 11 12:15:46 EDT 2009 | jorge_quijano

Hi, I just want to know how to measure the strength of a 0603 after it's cured, we are using Heraeus PD944 with a 30-7 mils stencil, glue depositions looks well, but I don't know how to measure it? Thanks

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