Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 26 09:37:45 EDT 2019 | babe7362000
I got it BOB, just the TEP card needed seated more. Thanks
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 29 17:59:53 EDT 2014 | guts1872
I have had to flush the ram when replacing a TEP controller. These are kind of scetchy instructions from my notes, never could get PPM to send me any procedures. Hope this helps. Plug keyboard and monitor into RT computer and navigate to 2kla/RT/TEP
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 21 08:26:45 EST 2013 | ngineer
Bobpan, Thanks for the reply. I have been using Tep Vision, I'll see whether I was using GOTO 1 or 0, it may have been 0. I am running from central controller, and am doing a download database from the database utilities when making changes on
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 24 09:24:08 EST 2012 | bobpan
1. You should be running the machine from the computer and central contoller. (not the handheld or run button on machine) 2. What is the tep commands in your sequence steps....I think you need to have tep vision as the first step and tep vpass at the
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 03 09:27:10 EDT 2014 | torch
Hey guys wonder if anyone can help me, having an issue with our Quad QSP2, at the moment it is displaying Tep2 - Send Status command failed Tep1 - Send Status command failed and there is no response from the gantries, the interlocks appear to be wo
Electronics Forum | Sun Jan 20 17:47:41 EST 2013 | ngineer
Bobpan, It's been a while, and I haven't really had a need for this (simple boards, with larger components), but now I'm back to a board that needs this. I only have options for HOLD, PASS or VISION under transport in the Sequence Programming.
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 25 14:18:34 EDT 2019 | babe7362000
It's been awhile but I was wondering if anyone knows how to read the LED's on the Tep board to what they mean. Top 4 Red 1. blinking red 2. lit red 3. off 4. lit red 5. lit red 1. blinking green 2. not lit 3. lit green 4. off 5. off On the Gui
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 24 13:21:42 EST 2012 | bobpan
The correct sequence steps should be: 1. tep hold 2-? pick/place/nozzles tep vpass goto 1 This is out of the programming manual.
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 07 08:04:15 EDT 2014 | torch
cheers, will give that a try and get back to you :)
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 25 16:20:59 EDT 2019 | bobpan
Top red led is on or off depending on version of tep board. The green leds light when the transport sensor that it communitcates with is seeing a board over it. Tep controller init failure can be one of the following. 1. Check reseat tep card and