Electronics Forum: teradyne optima 7300 (Page 1 of 1)

Landrex Optima II AOI

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 07 23:12:14 EST 2008 | edmaya33

We are little bit interested with the Yestech YTV-F1 series machine. We are using Landrex AOI eversince ( formerly Teradyne ), the OPTIMA II-7301. How about the price? the OPTIMA-II cost about $97K including the repair station.

Why AOI. Features one should look while considering AOI

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 06 08:08:45 EDT 2004 | abl

May I ask you to, whether your have taken any decision i.e. either for an Omron VT-Win II or an Optima 7300? thank you for your replay

Why AOI. Features one should look while considering AOI

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 07 00:28:03 EDT 2004 | rsgupta

Hello Mr Pete Thanks. Is there any comparative analysis available with someone for AOI system available (i.e. Landrex Optima 7300, TRI TR7100, Agilent SJ 50 Series II, Omron WIN II and Shindenshi ESV 303 DA). Some of these are Sngle camera AOIs and

Landrex AOI Problems

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 12 22:14:49 EDT 2010 | jdm2008

Anyone out there have this system(optima 7300). We have it and we are having tons of problems. Access violations, "ghost windows" models that when deleted will still call out defects, constant crashing etc. We are wondering if the problem will be

Why AOI. Features one should look while considering AOI

Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 07 01:04:40 EDT 2004 | rsgupta

Why not.. You are always welcome. Firstly what I feel multicamera system (Top and Angled) AOI is always better than single Top camera system in terms of defect coverage. Secondly read On the fly inspection is much better than STOP and Go techniques.

AOI: Comparisons

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 17 11:44:19 EDT 2004 | rlackey

Hi, does anyone have any real experience in using the following AOI systems (including opinions on support)? Cyberoptics Flex Agilent SJ50 MVP Supra Landrex Optima (Teradyne) Please fight the urge to pass comment or point out the error of my ways i


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