Electronics Forum: teradyne test station (Page 1 of 11)

test forums

Electronics Forum | Wed May 10 21:15:45 EDT 2000 | dillard

I am looking for a similar forum as this for the test process. Such as Genrad and Teradyne platform forums. Anyone have any ideas?

electrical test

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 27 16:54:46 EDT 2006 | pjc

In-Circuit test, or ICT, is the most common method of electrical test for an assembled PCB. It is the most comprehensive and accurate method to ensure that both the PWB and components are working to specification. Not all components however can be el

Automated soldering station (pros and cons)

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 29 11:23:54 EST 2010 | ppwlee

Smtnet, I am looking at pros and cons for automated soldering. The application is a simple multi pin through-hole soldering on a high volume manual assembly line. The goal was to eliminate defects associated with missing solder pins which goes undet

Manufacturing and test room cleanliness

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 07 07:58:58 EST 2007 | ayelet

Thank you guys. So to summarize - no spec, just need to have decent cleaning... Are you familiar with dust events that caused burning of test stations ? Thanks Ayelet

in-circuit test - HP or GenRad

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 28 13:41:19 EDT 1999 | mike weekes

I am looking to buy either a GenRad TestStation 80 or a HP 3170 test station. GenRad has matched HPs price, but I'm concerned about the HP UNIX vs GenRad NT base - any input on your choice and service, support, cost, issues, satisfaction - email me

Low Voltage Device damage on z18xx ICT

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 26 07:45:24 EST 2008 | davef

Investigation of Device Damage Due to Electrical Testing, R Croughwell & J McNeill, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Abstract: This paper examines the potential failure mechanisms that can damage modern low voltage CMOS devices and their relationship

advice on selecting ATE/ICT

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 20 15:02:36 EDT 2007 | pjc

You do not always need test points designed on the board. Any ICT supplier will consult with you on that and after looking at your designs. Teradyne offers new and refurb'd systems for ICT, analog only or w/ Vectorless testing to ensure ICs have a co

SRT BGA Machine

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 08 14:18:37 EDT 2002 | Brian W.

SRT was bought out by GENRAD, who was in turn bought out by Teradyne. You can find a list of sales offices and reps on their website, http://www.teradyne.com. Follow the links for Circuit Board INspection and Test, then Rework.

Resistance testing equipment

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 11 16:49:10 EST 2005 | davef

Dunno. We�d start with: * Aligent http://www.agilent.com * Teradyne http://www.teradyne.com

Rework Station

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 10 09:38:00 EST 2003 | pjc

Without knowing your boards and components its difficult to comment- beyond users of those mfgs. and models you mention commenting on performance, reliablity of the equipment and service & support from the mfg. As with any machine, its best to test d

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teradyne test station searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

Circuit Board, PCB Assembly & electronics manufacturing service provider

Software programs for SMT placement and AOI Inspection machines from CAD or Gerber.
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