Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 19 02:49:07 EDT 2007 | ray
I observed some black dot or some oxidation occured on chip termination on pcba reflowed fews weeks ago as buffer stock. The solder joint and fillet wetting is good and shinning. It is an acceptable or defect condition per IPC standard/requirement? W
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 19 16:54:32 EDT 2007 | flipit
I don't suggest using Pd/Ag or Ag/Pd terminated components unless you are forced to use them. You often see a line of demarcation that suggests a poorly wetted solder joint. I have had bad experiences with Pd/Ag terminated capacitors. Even when so
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 18 08:14:20 EDT 2007 | davef
Silver palladium termination * AgPd-terminated capacitors are designed for conductive adhesion. Reflow or wave soldering is not recommended. [EPCOS Multilayer ceramic capacitors, Soldering directions, October 2006] * CONDUCTIVE EPOXY BONDING. Epoxy c
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 22 20:41:32 EDT 2007 | jkhiew
Hi Dave, The solder has tended to wet the component termination of Ag/Pd (chip capacitor) but has not wetted the pads, whereas the solder has wetted both termination & pads when using Ag/Ni/Sn finishes. Thks
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 10 18:19:42 EDT 2002 | davef
Flex cracking under the terminations is generally regarded as one of the primary causes of failure of ceramic chips. If you can see cracks in the solder joints from board flex, those chips are certainly strongly suspect, and you must assume there is
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 11 06:56:20 EDT 2001 | brownsj
Most of the component vendors I've dealt with will guarantee the solderability of the terminations for three years if the components are still packaged in a full reel. If the reel is part used we've kept them for 1 year and then used a wetting balanc
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 11 06:56:46 EDT 2001 | brownsj
Most of the component vendors I've dealt with will guarantee the solderability of the terminations for three years if the components are still packaged in a full reel. If the reel is part used we've kept them for 1 year and then used a wetting balanc
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 13 07:25:48 EDT 2000 | yeo
Any one have any experience on solder fillet problem on 0603 chip capacitor ? The phenomenon is solder wetting on one terminal is very good and totally no solder wetting on the other terminal. The positing of capacitor is right at the centre of the
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 16 10:44:29 EDT 2007 | Jacky
Hi All, Recently, we encountered strange defect at our SMT line. We can see solder ball spatter around at one of the component pad. This lead to insufficient solder defect at 1 side of the component. The other side of the component look good(Meet
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 25 05:26:43 EST 2018 | premkumar_haribabu
Hi Robl, Thanks for quick reply , I want to see you my attachment first ( forgot to attach in my first share ) .As i said earlier ,Im suspecting termination design made by vishay & I never seen these kind of design from other alternate vendors which