Electronics Forum: teststation (Page 1 of 1)

in-circuit test - HP or GenRad

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 28 13:41:19 EDT 1999 | mike weekes

I am looking to buy either a GenRad TestStation 80 or a HP 3170 test station. GenRad has matched HPs price, but I'm concerned about the HP UNIX vs GenRad NT base - any input on your choice and service, support, cost, issues, satisfaction - email me

advice on selecting ATE/ICT

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 20 15:02:36 EDT 2007 | pjc

You do not always need test points designed on the board. Any ICT supplier will consult with you on that and after looking at your designs. Teradyne offers new and refurb'd systems for ICT, analog only or w/ Vectorless testing to ensure ICs have a co


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