Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 03 09:54:29 EST 2014 | kjaho
CP65 error code Thermal Alarm.I have checked for overload on all axis motors. None are faulty. Any suggests.
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 20 16:41:12 EDT 2017 | kkrestchmer
We have a Speedline Electrovert Bravo 8 reflow oven. We have issues where we get a "thermal runaway HTSC trip" error and the oven shuts down. We normally can unplug and replug a connector into the Sensor/Relay Watlow AnaFaze TLM-8 module and it sta
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 09 11:10:31 EST 2010 | baildl632
Graceyt, I know you are being shot a lot of info. Have you gotten any resolution to this problem? I've seen similar problems in our thermal chamber with Demodulation units. The IC, in the module, inside the radio inside the chamber at the top of ou
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 01 10:04:20 EDT 1999 | Andrew William Dalrymple
I am currently in the middle of a company wide war and I'm looking for data (AMMO). Here are the problems: 1) I am looking for anyone who has done or seen any reports on Thermal Shock to smt parts and/or via holes caused by Soldering Irons at rewor
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 01 16:17:10 EDT 1999 | Dave F
| I am currently in the middle of a company wide war and I'm looking for data (AMMO). Here are the problems: | | 1) I am looking for anyone who has done or seen any reports on Thermal Shock to smt parts and/or via holes caused by Soldering Irons at
Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 14 08:00:34 EST 1998 | Earl Moon
| Also the preheating of the board is done to help evaporate any water/alcohol that is in the flux - water is a big problem in No-clean processes. From our experience, a temp range around 200f - no more than 220f is ideal for the bigger boards, but t
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 30 11:09:13 EDT 2010 | davef
Lots of small parts, lots of hand soldering, lots of tired eyes inspecting on lots of boards: yields lots of room for error. How about this: * Part removal ** Cut each resistor between the pads using dykes ** Using a soldering iron [or hot air pen],
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 09 20:05:21 EDT 2003 | davef
Kevin: We know of no handy approach to developing recipes. * Certainly programs provided by profiler suppliers give you a good first pass, based on your oven and solder paste. * Second pass in developing your recipe comes through trail and error chan
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 25 12:01:49 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon
| | Dear John/Earl | | | | Thanks for your clarifications. To me also the problem does not seem to be linked with the PCB. The Pre heater temp. is set at | | 450 degree C. We are using Alpha Aq. cleanable flux. Can you elaborate on the Desired
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 25 16:54:25 EDT 1999 | C.K.
| | | Dear John/Earl | | | | | | Thanks for your clarifications. To me also the problem does not seem to be linked with the PCB. The Pre heater temp. is set at | | | 450 degree C. We are using Alpha Aq. cleanable flux. Can you elaborate on the