Electronics Forum: thermal reliefs (Page 1 of 8)

Soldering to thru-hole lead to ground plane without thermal relief

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 16 10:38:33 EDT 2000 | Iain

I have 15 very large backplanes (.156" thick Au plating) that the ground pins of a high density thru-hole connector were not thermal relieved in the artwork. As a result we are unable to solder the 8 pins that connect to the ground plane. We know t

Re: Soldering to thru-hole lead to ground plane without thermal relief

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 16 11:08:30 EDT 2000 | Travis Slaughter

Did you try preheating the board then hand solder? Those little heat shrink guns work great for this.

Re: Soldering to thru-hole lead to ground plane without thermal relief

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 19 19:08:21 EDT 2000 | Brian W.

IPC-610 Rev B: Paragraph 4.1 (page 52), As an exception to fil requirements on Table 4-1 on thermal heat sink planes plated through holes, a 50% vertical fill of solder is permitted, but with solder extending 360 degrees around the lead with 100% wet

Re: Soldering to thru-hole lead to ground plane without thermal relief

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 16 11:28:53 EDT 2000 | Boca

Solder 'follows' heat. 1. Preheating is a great idea, use a baking oven to get the whole assembly up to temperature, use the preheaters in your wave solder machine (without wave) to preheat the assemblies ... 2. Or use the biggest soldering iron

Re: Soldering to thru-hole lead to ground plane without thermal relief

Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 17 08:57:23 EDT 2000 | Chrys Shea

A few more tricks to try: - Got a hot air rework machine? You can get more controlled heat on the area and lower the risk of damage to the fab. I never got topside fillets un unrelieve ground planes until I went to convection preheat on my waves.

Thermal Relief

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 03 09:05:28 EST 2004 | davef

Look to IPC-2221, 9.1.3 Thermal Relief In Conductor Planes

Thermal Relief Pad causes bad solder

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 18 00:19:09 EDT 2016 | souldierann

Hi there. would it be possible that thermal relief pads for relay bring bad solder?

Thermal Relief BGA pad design traces

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 02 16:33:35 EDT 2008 | operator

Is there some good resources (.pdfs, websites, articles) that someone can point me to regarding design for bga footprints? I need to brush up on thermal relief design for bga footprints. I got a customer whose bga lands are masking defined on top of

Thermal Relief BGA footprint design - traces - reflow

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 02 19:41:41 EDT 2008 | operator

Is there some good resources (.pdfs, websites, articles) that someone can point me to regarding design for bga footprints? I need to brush up on thermal relief design for bga footprints. I got a customer whose bga lands are masking defined on top of

Thermal Relief

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 03 05:07:06 EST 2004 | Javi

Hello, I would like to design the thermal reliefs/pads of my through-hole components. I would appreciate any info, doc or link about how design them (dimensions, slit width, circular or square, etc). Thanks a lot and best regards, Javi

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