Electronics Forum: thermocouple attachment for wave (Page 1 of 6)

Criteria for thermocouple wire attachment

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 09 04:32:58 EST 2007 | d0min0

Hello everyone, any estimation how many (minimum)thermocouples on board, how to calculate this ? regards

Criteria for thermocouple wire attachment

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 21 22:13:37 EST 2006 | davef

Look here: http://www.smtinfo.net/Db/_Thermal%20Profiling.html

Criteria for thermocouple wire attachment

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 27 18:35:07 EST 2006 | SWAG

Look just above the toaster oven in the last picture - these guys have a chipshooter, too!

Criteria for thermocouple wire attachment

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 10 17:11:53 EST 2007 | mscalzo3

I always try to profile using a fully populated board and soldering the thermocouples. This is the only true way of getting an actual temperature of the joints. But, with that being said, its not always feasible to use this. There have been a coup

Criteria for thermocouple wire attachment

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 09 10:13:40 EST 2007 | slthomas

You could probably make do with two as long as you attach to the smallest part in a sparsely populated area and a large heavy part in a densely populated area to cover both ends of the spectrum. When I had a MOLE I used all 6. Now I use the 3 the ove

Criteria for thermocouple wire attachment

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 21 10:01:16 EST 2006 | Robot X-Pert

You guys treat this profiling nonsense like rocket science. Here's how easy it is to "reflow" and "profile". http://www.seattlerobotics.org/encoder/200006/oven_art.htm

Criteria for thermocouple wire attachment

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 27 15:07:14 EST 2006 | realchunks

Hi Jack, I've seen around 7 degrees diff in max temp. The real factor here is time to reach peak and time at peak.

Criteria for thermocouple wire attachment

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 27 20:07:36 EST 2006 | davef

Take a deep breath. More toaster ovens: * http://www.nutsvolts.com/PDF_Files/SMT.pdf * http://www.stencilsunlimited.com/?src=PCBx

Criteria for thermocouple wire attachment

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 28 14:32:43 EST 2006 | Cal

Skillet Soldering...http://www.sparkfun.com/tutorial/ReflowToaster/reflow-hotplate.htm What next...George Foreman Reflow???

Criteria for thermocouple wire attachment

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 28 21:49:29 EST 2006 | davef

How cute is that? We and Earl Sir Moonbeam were using those electric fry pan 'hot plate' things years ago. Look here: http://www.smtnet.com/forums/Index.cfm?CFApp=1&Message_ID=10155 Haters, turn down the volume.

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