Electronics Forum: thick (Page 1 of 277)

thick film house

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 29 13:46:10 EDT 2002 | dbonilla

May you let me know a thick film house in the US or any other place?

thick film house

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 29 13:46:43 EDT 2002 | dbonilla

May you let me know a thick film house in the US or any other place?

thick film house

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 30 12:17:37 EDT 2002 | Jim M.

Aimtronics had done thick film hybrids for many a year. Please contact 613-592-2240 or E-mail myself at the following address, jmills@aimtronics.com Aimtronics is located in Ottawa, Canada which is just an hour away from our plant in Ogdenburg , New

thick film house

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 29 18:53:17 EDT 2002 | davef

For MCM, hybrid, thick film er whatever they call them nowa days: * Aimtronics [ http://www.aimtronics.com/micro_thickfilm.htm ] * ISSI [ http://www.internationalsensor.com/HYBRID_PAGE_HTML/HYBRID_PAGE.htm ] * Vetronix Research 1700 Harmon Rd Auburn

soldering to thick gold plating

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 11 14:09:54 EDT 2006 | Chunks

Not reflowing completely. Slower = hotter. Try a slower conveyor speed.

Release difficult from thick stencil

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 24 09:35:56 EDT 2000 | Wister

Our important customer demanded us to use 12mil thick stencil,it is too difficult to release solder paste from stencil.it is not helpful even I ask stencil supplier polished the openings.The flux content is 10%. I want to ask if the polyurethane sque

fine pitch on thick copper

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 20 07:58:02 EST 1999 | pascal MATHIEU

hello guys ; we are using a fine pitch component(0.65mm) on a thick copper PCB (Cu = 90�m) ; in this case we notice that we are in the process'limits , because the different supplier of the PCB are not able to ensure a good stability of it's process

soldering to thick gold plating

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 11 12:59:26 EDT 2006 | mattkehoe@sipad.com

We are trying to apply solder to boards with 80 microinches of electro plated hard gold. No components involved, just print 63/37 paste and reflow. The results are very poor on some boards, not so bad on others? Pictures at http://www.sipad.net/thick

soldering to thick gold plating

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 12 11:26:12 EDT 2006 | flipit

Hi, I believe you have classic gold imbrittlement here. With 80 microinches of gold you are way over the limit. You can try to reflow longer time and at a higher temperature. The gold does not melt into the solder joint. The gold dissolves into

Fine pitch and thick copper

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 08 04:19:16 EST 1999 | pascal MATHIEU

I am working in electronic automotive industry and today we are facing to a very serious problem : if we want to use a PCBoard with a copper thickness of 90�m + fine pitch circuit (0.65mm, 0.5mm) the supplier(several) of the PCB has some trouble t

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