Electronics Forum: thick film india (Page 1 of 12)

thick film house

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 29 13:46:10 EDT 2002 | dbonilla

May you let me know a thick film house in the US or any other place?

thick film house

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 29 13:46:43 EDT 2002 | dbonilla

May you let me know a thick film house in the US or any other place?

thick film house

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 30 12:17:37 EDT 2002 | Jim M.

Aimtronics had done thick film hybrids for many a year. Please contact 613-592-2240 or E-mail myself at the following address, jmills@aimtronics.com Aimtronics is located in Ottawa, Canada which is just an hour away from our plant in Ogdenburg , New

thick film house

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 29 18:53:17 EDT 2002 | davef

For MCM, hybrid, thick film er whatever they call them nowa days: * Aimtronics [ http://www.aimtronics.com/micro_thickfilm.htm ] * ISSI [ http://www.internationalsensor.com/HYBRID_PAGE_HTML/HYBRID_PAGE.htm ] * Vetronix Research 1700 Harmon Rd Auburn

Thick film hydrids

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 24 22:36:29 EDT 2000 | DL

On the main page of Smtnet towards the end of the opening paragraph states the following...Your " research continues in determining the reliability of thick film hybrid microcircuits and similar technologies using low-temperature, co-fired ceramics.

Re: Thick film hydrids

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 26 13:10:48 EDT 2000 | ptvianc

Yes, one should always be concerned about "field failures" because they represent the point at which the product has exceeded its design lifetime with respect to its service conditions. Hybrid microciruit technolgy (HMC) has been around for a long t

Thick film solder pins process

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 13 18:01:18 EDT 2002 | dbonilla

Do you know what will be the best solder process for pins at the edge of the ceramic substrate? Thanks

Thick film solder pins process

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 13 18:01:39 EDT 2002 | dbonilla

Do you know what will be the best solder process for pins at the edge of the ceramic substrate? Thanks

Thick film solder pins process

Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 15 09:13:41 EDT 2002 | davef

A near eutechtic alloy [ie, 63/37, 62/36/2, etc] would be fine. People print, place, and reflow millions of cermaic capacitors with these alloys every day.

Thick film solder pins process

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 16 08:24:07 EDT 2002 | dbonilla

Stefano: Yes I do. May you let me know more about the dedicated technology? Regards david

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