Electronics Forum: through hole insufficient fill (Page 1 of 16)

Silver through hole

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 11 03:27:10 EDT 2015 | iamera

Hello, I am new in this forum and also new in PCB manufacturing. now we have issued about silver open and short. we can detect this defect after auto check process and its to late to save our PCB. Is there any way to detect silver open or insufficien

through hole reflow

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 01 16:18:16 EDT 2002 | davef

Q1: Is this [paste in hole] feasible? A1: Yes, many people lower their operating cost by reflowing through hole components. Q2: What types of components are difficult to do this way [paste in hole]? A2: Types of through hole components that are d

through hole reflow

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 01 15:48:56 EDT 2002 | lysik

No problem. A standard stencil is OK. You want to print a half moon shape on each side of the hole. Make sure you print about X2 the size of your hole and make sure you keep the print in close to the hole. You want to print X2 the hole size as to hav

through hole reflow

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 04 12:02:53 EDT 2002 | mzaboogie

Hi Barry, One consideration that you may want to consider is the lead to hole ratio. The higher the ratio, the less solder is required to fill in the gaps and give you a fillet. Heat is a concern. You will need to ensure components will take the he

Reflow soldering through hole parts

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 30 12:03:15 EST 2001 | slthomas

Pete, I'm wondering how much optimisation you needed (or were allowed) to do with respect to connector design. The first one we evaluated had a row of leads that I can only describe as "crescent" shaped in cross section. Impossible to get even 50%

Vertical fill solder

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 08 06:19:55 EDT 2005 | lupo

Hello, Could anyone provide some support concern issue with vertical fill of through hole solder. Our lead free wave soldering process is not capable to fill 100% (requirement of our customer)through hole. We made everything (DoE) - different amoun

Barrel fill with Pb Free Wave Solder

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 16 16:49:22 EST 2008 | scottd3

We ran into this problem before, on all of our models. We never quite found out the reason, we do know that if the PCB is passed through a reflow oven that is extremely dirty with evaporated solder paste flux, it will make it extremely difficult (or

repairs on a through hole 4 layer board

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 22 04:28:05 EDT 2004 | ouch

Hi, I'm new here, but I have a problem that I don't see discussed. I am trying to repair a Zilog Z80 Encore Board. these boards use 4 layers. you can see the board here on page 11: http://www.zilog.com/docs/z8encore/devtools/um0151.pdf I have bough

thru hole

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 17 09:53:26 EST 2003 | davef

IPC-2222 - Sectional Design Standard For Printed Board For Organic Printed Boards, Table 9-3 � Plated Through Hole Diameter To Lead Diameter Relationships will give you the standard information you require. If we can�t get proper hole fill after try

THM Solder barrel fill issues on 93 mils board

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 21 09:09:50 EDT 2013 | wcheew

I am having solder barrel fill issues on THM component, we follow, we follow IPC 610 E requirement. The barrel fill issues happen on signal & ground pin at connector & E-cap. I found out that most of the insufficient solder happen on the connector ag

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