Electronics Forum: thru and hole and ic and socket (Page 1 of 1)

Bottom side smt and thru hole

Electronics Forum | Tue May 26 22:13:15 EDT 1998 | Pat Copeland

R&D is currently designing a board with smt components on both sides of the board. They are adding a 16 pin IC Gull wing. on the bottom side of the board. I have asked for only caps and resistors to be placed on the bottom side. Is there a recommende

Re: Bottom side smt and thru hole

Electronics Forum | Sun Jun 07 09:43:11 EDT 1998 | Bob Willis

There are some guidlines on design and through hole reflow on my web site to download. Also on pin in hole reflow the SMTA Office has a document on using the tecnology. | R&D is currently designing a board with smt components on both sides of the bo

Re: Bottom side smt and thru hole

Electronics Forum | Wed May 27 13:42:08 EDT 1998 | Chrys

| R&D is currently designing a board with smt components on both sides of the board. They are adding a 16 pin IC Gull wing. on the bottom side of the board. I have asked for only caps and resistors to be placed on the bottom side. Is there a recommen

Re: Bottom side smt and thru hole

Electronics Forum | Wed May 27 14:35:52 EDT 1998 | Justin Medernach

| | R&D is currently designing a board with smt components on both sides of the board. They are adding a 16 pin IC Gull wing. on the bottom side of the board. I have asked for only caps and resistors to be placed on the bottom side. Is there a recomm

Conductive contamination and the elusive solution

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 13 11:33:54 EDT 2007 | realchunks

Just starting and already responsible for product quality and machine adjustment? Wow, you poor bastard. Ok, I will assume this problem happens on the bottom side of the board with a thru-hole IC. The short occurs on the side that doesn't have the

I mounted the parts on the buck-boost DCDC converter and measured the characteristics

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 23 03:29:37 EDT 2022 | samhe

I received a buck-boost DCDC board with an optical sensor from NextPCB, so I mounted the components and measured the efficiency. Table of contents Board received from NextPCB Solder paste printing Mounting of parts Reflow operation check Attaching


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